"Revenge of the Sith" soundtrack

My wife picked it up for me today. It is just superb!!! I have listened to it twice already, and I don't forsee it being dethroned by another CD any time soon.

Man I want to cry. I can't believe this is the last time I will experience a new Star Wars movie.

Poke said:
Man I want to cry. I can't believe this is the last time I will experience a new Star Wars movie.

That you know of :lol:

Ok confession time... How many folks already have their tickets? For the midnight showing?

I picked mine up yesterday. Since I wasn't waiting on line 60 days prior to the tickets going on sale I am not placed in the upper echelon of dorkdom. And I only picked up my tickets a week ahead of time because I am going out of town and am SOOO worried that the 24 screen theater is going to sell out before next week!! ;)

Come on now, fess up.

Mikey D

P.S. For extra points how ealry do you plan on getting to the theater on wednesday? I am thinking no later than 10:30 pm for myself
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I won't be seeing it until about a week after it hits theaters. My wife won't let me see it without her, and she'll be out of town when it opens.


I got the soundtrack yesterday and have to agree it is superb! John Williams hasn't let me down unlike his boss. Did you get the one with the bonus DVD? The DVD is pretty cool. Notice how they show more clips of the original trilogy though. That say something to me about which of the six films matter.

Oh Mikey D,

My wife got our tickets. No midnight show for me. We're going to the first show Thursday morning 9am in a digital theater, hopefully while everyone is busy at work.
I did get the DVD, but have put off watching it. I am afraid there will be spoileriffic footage of Ep. III (especially given the fact that the recently released DVD trilogy had some spoileriffic footage of the battle between
Obi Wan and Anakin


I guess that makes me the top dork of the moment.

Or maybe the rest of you are just too ashamed to admit that you are dusting off your storm trooper costumes. Except in Zen's case, he'll be breaking out the Yoda costume.

(sorry zen, I'm not even sure I understand what that means. Lets just chalk up the bad joke to too much :beer: )
The "music video" concerning Episode III on the soundtrack extra DVD has pretty much just the newest trailer footage
It looks like I will be going to a prescreening as well. I saw Episodes I and II a week in advance because I was working at a theater during those releases. I thought this one would break my streak, but a friend called today with a sweet hook up.

I've got my midnight screening tickets.. we're going after work at 11:00PM... hopefully we'll get decent seats... this is the one that matters!