archived-videos "Rest" - ITOOFC #4

Here it is... in all it's unpolished glory.

"Rest" (10mb, .wmv)

True to tradition, it will take a few more weeks to actually complete the sound (no score to compete, btw :tear: ) and a few other bits and pieces, but the deadline's today
smiley_mono.gif up it goes! Superior cut upcoming after challenge is completed here. :cool:

No poster entry either, I should mention.
...and no, you can't have your 5 minutes of life back if you don't like it. (I'd die very young, refunding all that)
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Good job Zen!! I'm looking forward to the final cut. Count me in for a DVD when you make the offer.


P.S. As you can see I couldn't overcome the casting problems and time constraints. I do have a kick ass script though!


You put Max Von Sydow to shame, Zen!!! Very Zen- amazing!

Couldn't tell who was walking out in the last shot though- was that the killer?
I think the best part of this piece was your acting, Zen!

I liked your use of b/w, strobing...and staccato zoom shots that didn't annoy the crap out of me. You have a nice sense of composition and framing.

I would have liked to see a couple of extreme close-ups at some of the more pivotal points.

Bird & Poke said:
I think the best part of this piece was your acting, Zen!

That doesn't say much for the rest of the movie, now does it?

Good points, there Bird. I was kicking myself in the butt for lack of coverage, cutaways and closeups the day after we shot this.


Spatula said:
Couldn't tell who was walking out in the last shot though- was that the killer?

Indeed, yes.

Sleep tight. ;)


First on the list, Cibao. :cool:


Btw... (in best McCarthy voice) I have in my hand a list...

I know that I said I'll be fixing this up, but I sure don't mind hearing what the problems are from the collective's perspective. There are about 15 things on my list, that will be changed in an upcoming after-challenge cut...

I'd like to hear what is *not* right with this cut. I'll take all the suggestions and feedback that I can... even if it's something plainly as obvious as "adr not complete".

Rip it apart (especially the editing, btw). It will only make me stronger.
Rip it apart...It will only make me stronger
The mark of a true professional. ;)

Nicely done ZS, very enjoyable. The titles in the middle gave it an edgy feel for me (a good thing). A little too heavy on the eye makeup, it softens later in the film but for some reason it's really pronouced in that first shot after the scream.

He says, "Get out of my house." and points to a wall? The door was the other way unless I missed something.

I think anything in editing you can do to speed up the head jerks would be a good thing. I love the way he talks to where he was and the camera shows where he is now. Just needs to be tighter with the head moving to the new location. Same thing for the preist's entrance.

"You have no power over me old man." How did you ever keep from slipping in a joke instead of this line? :lol:

Nice job ZS. :)
Zensteve said:
I'd like to hear what is *not* right with this cut. I'll take all the suggestions and feedback that I can... even if it's something plainly as obvious as "adr not complete".

Rip it apart (especially the editing, btw). It will only make me stronger.

I'm blocking out my couple of comments out of respect for those who haven't viewed it yet.

When the intense, static light shines through the door, I would stop the strobe and lay a diagonal 'cut' of the same intense light across the main character. At the point where the 'poltergiest' jumps from location to location...from the mirror bg to behind the bar...I would place the main character in the frame so we couldn't see the spirit but hear his voice, then the mc moves frame left revealing the maritni drinking demon behind him.
I was intrigued by the entire plot. Your acting is great, but the sound loses it when you are speaking. Other than that, it was fun movie to watch.

The Power of Filmmaking Compels You!
Apparently gremlins snuck into PremPro when I was compressing.

Eli pointed out to me that several cutaway shots are not included in the latter half... seems I switched off a video layer and never turned it back on.

Oh lordy, I'm going down in flames with this one. :lol:
Zen--great story! I really enjoyed the whole thing. The acting was better overall this time around (than in some of your previous). I will add a few suggestions (since you asked):

the scenes in the bedroom at the end seemed fuzzy, as if you needed a bit more light on your characters to separate them from the background. maybe a compression issue, not sure how to correct it. -- the bloody mirror bit might be a bit cheesey, and it doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the story (meaning the placement of the blood at the top dripping down. how did it get there, why is it there?)

Overall, a great job, Zen!