Reckless - UK Indie Short

Hi guys, just thought I'd let you know about the latest project I'm involved in. It's called 'reckless' and it's a 10-15min DV short to be shot in the south of England. It's directed by Chris Dwyer and produced by myself with a host of professional actors from London and a crew of extra's from the surrounding area.
I have a website for the project at:
Feel free to take a look!
I'll be posting it on the site once its complete and linking to it on indietalk so you can all see it. I'm planning to enter it into festivals up and down the UK and a couple of international festivals. If you guys can suggest some good ones in the states that would be fantastic!
Shoot date is set for August 17th for 5 days, with a pickup day. The reason for the long shoot for a short is because we're jumping about in locations - all fun!
I'll let you know how it goes!
How about the rest of you? what's the latest from your film making fronts?

PS. If you like the website I offer construction services to people who would like promotional sites for their films!
Awesome Web design!

Good luck on the shoot!
Beautiful Site! Good Luck with your shoot!

I don't plan on having a site up until fall. I'd like to attempt the design myself, but perhaps you could offer consulting. When I get close to finishing up my design, I'll pm you on your services/fees.
Cheers for the comments guys. Yea, the production notes section will be updated from the shoot diary... well thats the plan! I'm hoping to have some-one along who's not going to be too busy to forget to update it because I probably will!!!!!
That's a pretty good and efficient site, yes. :)

What happened to that "phonebooth of doom" film you were doing earlier this year?
Phonebooth of doom film - aka Deadline is almost finished - don't get me started - that project has been a 'film of doom' since the start - numerous problems - namely the actor, who shan't be named for legal reasons, wasn't very good. Had limited acting skills and couldn't take direction. I had to over dub his voice with another actor which was an experience. It is soon to be finished though and I will post it online once complete! watch this space. I'm sure I'll write a story about it at some point - the perils, the trauma, the pain, the terror... arrrggghhh