Rayw... your jig, good sir.


Couldn't find the thread in which it was brought up, so I cracked a freshie. Hope it was worth the wait. :D Best enjoyed with music of your choice. Might I suggest something in the Celtic genre? James Brown works, too.


I have NO idea what this is in reference to, but I'm lovin' it. For the record, I was listening to Skrillex while watching, and the juxtaposition works perfectly.
Hey... this is for Ray!! ;) haha

I actually have no recollection of when or where "jig" was mentioned, but I know it did show up in some thread.

A little happy dance never hurt!
Ha! Brilliant! Doubly so by the many copies! And some Celtic music for you:

Bannockburn Road (one of my favorite sets from the Old Blind Dogs)

A set from the Incredible String Band that was recently unearthed. Amidst the crazy psychedelia, it's easy to forget how good musicians they are!

Gypsy Laddie O (by North Sea Gas...was looking for the Tannahill Weavers version, which is better, but this isn't bad)

Tamlin Reel (neat recording of one of my all-time favorite reels)
We're working up a version of that with Ghost Estate, but I do have an arrangement of my previous attempt at Celtic electronica. Always nice to see how far I've come!

Any and or all of these should provide you with appropriate jig backing!