Questions about Follow Focus

I have the Kit lens by Canon , which is the 18-55mm, as well I have a 50mm F1.8!
Now, I am pretty sure that I can use a Follow Focus (D|Focus or Indiefocus?) on the 50mm due to the focus ring not moving forward or backwards?

But when i would attach a follow focus to a Canon 18-55mm, would I have problems using it, due to the focus ring moving forward and backward?

Id appreciate any help.



PS: Who can reccommend the best, cheapest follow focus for me to use?
I have the exact same kit.

Having looked into all the follow focus options and even attempted to build my own, I have concluded that, unless you've got £500+ to play with, you might aswell just learn to follow focus manually.

I'd spend the money on more lenses.
Well, i definitley want a follow focus, so I am wondering if it will work on a lens where the focus ring moves to the front or back?!

Or do i need to get like a 24mm lens where I do not have the problem!?
No problem with the 18-55.
I run that same exact setup with few issues. The follow focus lens gears I have are wide enough that as the lens barrel moves forward\back you remain in contact with the follow focus gear. If I position it just right, I can even zoom\in\out with the 18-55 and always have at least 1/8" inch contact between the gears. Im using the indisystem follow focus. But not the snap gears, I hate those..

Actualy the 50mm 1.8 is MORE of a problem, the manual focus ring is tiny, and slopes forward... Il eventually glue something on it to make it work better, but for now a simple rubber band between the focus gear and the focus ring seems to give it just enough purchase to stay on.

There, now that Iv told you it WILL work, you might ask your self why bother. The focus throw (the amount of movement between close and far focus) on the inexpensive auto focus lenses is so small, that a tiny twitch of the wrist on the follow focus throws it right out. Youll quickly discover that using th3 18-55mm kit lens manually is tricky, the lens can focus PAST infinity which is kind of a pain... also, both the 18-55 and 50mm have a lot of "play" in the focus barrel, the follow focus can make the lens move UP at either end of the focus throw.

This is why Im using old Nikon and M42 mount MANUAL lenses, they work much better for manual focus work. I believe the better auto focus lenses have longer more solid manual focus operations.

thats my $0.02
Yeah, the focus rings are so loose, and the travel so short on the canon auto focus lenses they are a PIA to use. I also use vintage glass for all my video work. I only use the canon lenses for still photography. The Canon "L" series glass as Wheat noted are much better. Of course they are also $1000 and up each.
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Memo to self- next camera to buy, buy one that's lens adaptable (mine is a Canon 900 zr-it doesn't have the thread to attach a lens adapter, and I'm not sure if I want to crazy glue a lens to my camera lol)

That I can then participate more in these lens discussions!;)
no doubt..