Question about using a tripod.

Sometimes when shooting an action scene, such as a character being punched, then falling against the wall, I like to move the camera, to follow the character, as they fall back fast. Action with a still camera, can be kind of boring. However, when I try to move the camera with the tripod lever, the movements are kind of jerky. That is because in when you turn the lever, there is a bit of a jerk at first. So the movements aren't as loose. Are all tripods like this or can you get one that is very slippery and moves with a lot more loose slick?
Pre-production, of course is relatively easy. I'm not sure if he'll survive production - he'll have to make decisions on the fly. We'll see. :cool:

Pre-production is relatively easy????? You gotta be kidding me.

The script is locked down and I'm in the processing of assembling my first cast, crew, locations, kit etc...

The issue is that although I have a core of individuals I have done stuff with in the past and I can absolutely trust to turn up on time and in the right place, the issue is the 'waverers' I have never done anything with before.

Then there is the kit. I have doubled up on literally every piece of kit so if someone does not turn up / it gets stolen, there is a spare.

And the locations. I have some superb locations but they keep switching around the dates. These are not locations which I can get easily (unless I have a couple of grand to spend...)

So tell me it gets easier!!!!
I hope it gets easier too lol.

Anyway, should I just have a tripod with a fluid head, or will their be times where a fluid head won't work in certain shots, that are necessary? If so should I get one with interchangeable heads? The store carries the 501 they called it, which is the slipperiest head they have. Will that work for fast moving action shots, where you want a non-shaking cam that moves, or will I need something more rare?
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"Pre-production is relatively easy????? You gotta be kidding me."

Exactly! for every 1 hour on set I have probably 5 hours (or more) in Pre-production. Actually filming is fun and exhilarating (if stressful and exhausting). Pre-production and post-production are the horrible torture where the fim really gets made.
I love pre-production! Easiest, less stressful, and allows for creativity. Production is fun but the most stressful and exhausting. Post-production is the worst - most boring, tedious, and repetitive.

Also - you can never go wrong with a Sachtler fluid head. mhmmm...
"Pre-production is relatively easy????? You gotta be kidding me."

Exactly! for every 1 hour on set I have probably 5 hours (or more) in Pre-production. Actually filming is fun and exhilarating (if stressful and exhausting). Pre-production and post-production are the horrible torture where the fim really gets made.

It is unbelievably tricky. Just casting is exhausting. After the first sesh, I slept for 12 straight hours.

Round two is this Saturday.

That being said, the talent we are seeing is incredible. One of the actresses performances made my ex-wife cry and she's as hard as coffin nails. Nothing makes her cry except maybe if I were to lose a couple of limbs in a freak threshing accident while in the middle of nowhere and crawl on my stumps for several days, screaming all the while in excrutiating agony while I tried to claw my way back to civilisation. Now that would make her cry... with happiness.

Just sorting out locations, kit, people, casting etc... is a 'mare. I can't wait to direct and shoot! And one of the team is a skilled editor and colourist which means post for me will be relatively straightforward. For him it will be extremely time consuming but for me it should be pretty straightforward.
i ve noticed lot of tutorials, even r rodriguez suggests to use handheld, not tripod to give more life to the screen..
but i guess for dslr its different, since the camera is soo light, and every shake is noticable..
so for handheld dslr i think shoulder mount would be the best option
I don't like the shaky cam of today's thrillers though. Off topic, for my first short, coming up here, I decided to use coverage, that was suggested, instead of just having one shot list, from the beginning, and just following that.
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Post is my favorite part :) then production... Then pre maybe?

Actually it's all great. Different, but awesome.


I guess it depends on the people, but during post, i feel like i've got all my materials collected, all brushes prepared and all canvas primed. It's just pure creation as i see things come together right before my eyes.

No need to deal with actor who arrives late, nor missing equipment, nor bad weather, nor every other variable that can go wrong. Because in post, everything down to the last frame is under my absolute control. Worst case senario, i realize i didn't shoot enough during production, in which case i just blame production and tries to make things work in post.
Perhaps for action scenes, hand held is okay, but I would use a tripod for dialogue scenes definitely. I know hand held is an art in it's own, but it's just not my preference of style. I usually tend to like going against trends. And since hand held is now a big trend, is why I probably feel like going against it lol.

But actually, operating the camera hand hold is an art in it's own right, and require a camera operator who really knows what he is doing, as well as a DP who can rightfully choose when this should be done.

When in doubt, use tri-pod

Absolutely. There has to be a compelling reason not to shoot with stabilization as far as I'm concerned. And for those that don't know, stabilization includes tripods.

If you don't have shot list, you are aiming for YouTube.
Yeah but some have said before on here the best way to do it was to shoot everything from different angles, then see which shot lists work best in post. But I still will make an ideal shot list beforehand. The DP who is working with me has a steadicam, so he will use that instead of hand held, plus the tripod when it comes to still scenes.