Question about permits and insurance.

I am writing a micro-budget movie, which I am planning on shooting myself. I would like to write it so that I will have to resort to the least amounts of permits and insurance as possible. Some of the laws surrounding whether or not you need to buy it or not, are a little flaky and not absolute.

So in which types of places would I need to buy insurance? I read that sometimes firemen or police are required to inspect some locations. But wouldn't say if you rent a building to shoot in, the building would have already been inspected for those things, back when it was built? I am trying to understand that.

And in what sorts of places do you need permits? I am trying to restrict those scenes as much as I can but it seems about half the scenes will have to take place in public places. What about indoor buildings so long as the owners let you?
Outside of major cities, especially LA/New York probably won't need a permit for a public space like a sidewalk (unless you block traffic or create some other issue). Inside a private building, no permt required, it's the owner who would probably want you to have insurance.
That's what I thought. For my current script I will try to limit the outdoor locations as much as I can. So what about the insurance then, how does that work?

Either regular business general liability which will be enough for some situations (make a property owner feel at ease having you on their property) at maybe $500 or $600 a year, or get actual production insurance that covers your gear, your crew, your actors, other people's properrty, etc... at a couple hundred bucks a day.
E&O (Errors and Omissions)

Would be your top 3.

Negative insurance if shooting film.
This site should explain it:

You don't need it unless someone requires it, as in, to get a permit (if you need the permit) they may require liability. So you need to really check with your local gov't first. If you rent equipment, you may need equipment insurance. To secure distribution, you may need E&O. See how it works?

If it is not required, it is up to you.
Every answer begins a new question. He's getting film school for free I was thinking of charging him. :)

I'm sorry for all the questions. I'll research the insurance for myself, and how to get the best of it.
There's nothing wrong with having lots of questions! But part of the process of education is learning how to do your own research and find the information you need - hell, if you read up on film insurance and write a little post about the basics you'll not only help other people out but also reinforce your own knowledge.
This site should explain it:

You don't need it unless someone requires it, as in, to get a permit (if you need the permit) they may require liability. So you need to really check with your local gov't first. If you rent equipment, you may need equipment insurance. To secure distribution, you may need E&O. See how it works?

If it is not required, it is up to you.

Oh okay, I understand better now. Thanks. Yeah I can see it when it comes to renting but I'll probably be using purchased equipment for my next short. I'll check with the government. Thanks.

There's nothing wrong with having lots of questions! But part of the process of education is learning how to do your own research and find the information you need - hell, if you read up on film insurance and write a little post about the basics you'll not only help other people out but also reinforce your own knowledge.
