Just move the camera farther back for those shots. If you can't move farther back, go wider. If you can't move farther back and don't like the distortion, plan a new shot or spend a lot on a lens.
Wes Anderson couldn't get wide enough with standard lenses in the "Let me tell you about my boat" scene in The Life Aquatic. He heard a rumor, and dropped a LOT of money on a lens NASA had developed that was lying around and adapted it to his camera. The cutaway of the boat you see isn't VG, it's a real boat cut in half, squished into a soundstage (that they had to extend), decorated, and the camera moves around it.
But yeah, everything has limitations. Learn to maximize what you can do within your limits and don't stress or worry about the one shot you can't pull off because it's too expensive, too difficult with a small crew, or too impossible in general. Time spent focused on what you can do and polishing that will pay off way more in the long run.