Ques. that may make you think, laugh or bang your head (but will definitely help me)

I new new in video and some questions that may seem dumb to you. You you grateful if you give some insights on:

1) Can I use lens zoom or only the digital zoom?

2) Can I change ISO during the shoot?

3) Can I change Aperture during the shoot?

4) Can I change Shutter Speed during the shoot?

5) Do I have to pull the focus constantly during the shoot?


1) Can I use lens zoom or only the digital zoom?
Don't use digital zoom
2) Can I change ISO during the shoot?
shoot or shot? You can change ISO during the course of a shoot, but I'd strongly reccommend against doing that during a shot.
3) Can I change Aperture during the shoot?

4) Can I change Shutter Speed during the shoot?
See above.
5) Do I have to pull the focus constantly during the shoot?
It depends on the camera you have. But generally, yes.
I new new in video and some questions that may seem dumb to you. You you grateful if you give some insights on:

1) Can I use lens zoom or only the digital zoom?

2) Can I change ISO during the shoot?

3) Can I change Aperture during the shoot?

4) Can I change Shutter Speed during the shoot?

5) Do I have to pull the focus constantly during the shoot?



1) Don't quite understand the q

2, 3, 4) ISO, Aperture & Shutter Speed can all be changed while the camera is actually recording; on the T2i, at least. You'd probably need a good reason to do so, though. It's handy when shooting live events, though, to be able to adjust the aperture on the fly without stopping to adjust. For an actual planned-out narrative shoot... up to how you want things to look, I'd guess.

5) Dpeneds on how you have your shots planned out. If you have a deep DoF, not so much. Otherwise... maybe, and quite variably? :hmm:
1) Can I use lens zoom or only the digital zoom?
Most cameras have both optical and digital zoom.
Optical zooming uses little motors to move glass lenses back and forth. This is preferred. Your images will look better if you can just stick to optical zooms.
Digital zooming uses an onboard computer program to take 1 pixel and make it 4 pixels. BAM! 4X zooming! Yeah, and it just looks like poop, too.
Try to avoid digital zooming, maybe just a teeny tiny bit won't hurt.

2) Can I change ISO during the shoot?
You mean during a "take"? Generally no.
Depends upon your camera. Most of the time you'll have to change the ISO between each recording.
First - the instruction manual should address this.
Second - test your camera.
(I'm going to guess that you don't actually have the camera in question, do you? You're asking about general principles and mechanics, right?)

3) Can I change Aperture during the shoot?
See above.

4) Can I change Shutter Speed during the shoot?
See above.

5) Do I have to pull the focus constantly during the shoot?
Most often you'll likely set the focus to manual and just plan your shots appropriatly.
Unless you do have a camera that allows manual focusing during the take, in which case the focusing is discretionary, often dependent upon the DOF (depth of field) your chosen aperture creates.

Avoid auto focus. :lol:

A lot of this depends on what you're shooting, what you're shooting on, and your style of shooting.

If your style of shooting is pump five 10k lights into a scene and stop down to f/32, then no you won't have to pull focus. If your camera is a GoPro, then no you won't have to pull focus.

If you're shooting narrative, then you probably shouldn't change ISO, shutter and aperture during a take, shot, or scene. If you're shooting doco or event stuff, it may be necessary to do so.

The only one not dependant so much is 1: you should always use optical zoom over digital zoom, but if your camera only has digital zoom... though you'd be better off moving the camera than using digital zoom.