Public Domain ??

If it's just the film you want to give credit for, I would think it would be (in the end credits) the name of the film, copyright date, director and studio you want to use a clip of.
If it's in public domain it won't have a copyright date.
That's what public domain is; something that is no
longer under copyright. Because it's in public domain
that means it is YOURS to use. As a member of the
public YOU have the right to copy. So that's why I
don't really understand what bloodandguts is asking.
I got that. Which is why I asked him who is giving credit to.

If this were a clip he paid for, the credit would be spelled out.
Since this clip is (essentially) owned by him he doesn't need
to give credit at all. I have some ideas of how the card shoud
read, but it will be good to know exactly what he want to give
credit to.
I think this comes down to your personal taste. You have no
contract with the producers so you can't use the usual "...used
with the permission of..." and since the public owns the clip
there is no need to "thank" anyone. If you want to credit the
writer, director, producer, DP or actor you could do that.

After all, you, as a member of the public, owns that film. You
can (as many have done) make a copy of the entire movie and
sell it. All without giving anyone credit.