Jeeze James, i guess a lot of replies have been made. Im glad to see everyone has taken an interest in our films.
But to adress some of your questions about the danger are correct, mostly. When using swords in a sword like mannor there is always the possibility of someone getting hurt. Luckily, in this film there was only one incident of an actor getting a finger cut, not off, but cut with a good bleed to it. Nothing a bandaid couldn't fix. As for the corn stalk, we did get rid of all the ones he would have fallen on but that one head level one was never planned and only in the editing did I realize how very close it was. However, it was just a cornstalk and probably wouldn't have hurt that bad. (poor max if it did hit him though, he was the same one that got his finger cut).
As for the part I dont think James (buffalob07) knows, the editing for the battle scene was more involved. First off, all the arrows were digital... you can tell if you are looking for it. Second, the two parts where our main charactor gets bashed in the face. The weaponry used to hit him, is digital. Most of the contact made between object and human was digital. I simply tracked the hand of the person and the motions they made. Also, not that it really makes that big of a difference, all the battle scenes were sped up about 20% to 30%. Making them seem more battle speed. So yes, you are correct, some things were dangerous but I do try to keep everyone safe when filming. (Even though I was the one that cut his finger during our fight).
As for the dialoge, I cant agree more... Althought I found something funny. Boz Uriel wrote that Improv works best when you reherse and reherse and reherse and then when you get tried, you reherse somemore. The thing is Improv is when its on the spot, no reherse!! But I understand exactly what he means, even though its not improv, rehersing is the act of making yourself completely comfortable with your lines so that your true and best acting can shine through without the distraction of remembering your lines.
Anyways, thanks to everyone that gave feedback and I really apprieciate the constructive critism. Good solid feedback is hard to come by on some forums, especailly in film making topics. Some of those people seem to feel better about their work by bringing someone with something just a little bit better then theirs, down in moral. It blows me away when people cant work together towards a common dream???
Thanks a lot to all who replied and I will edit your advice into my next film!!
ASAP Films