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watch Proud dad,heres my daughters debut

Were you working the camera? That was a neat report, and she's very pretty. Liked the hat, and updated Veronica Lake look.

I couldn't have the volume on too loud at work. They remove a fin so those are the ones you can eventually catch and eat? What's the difference?
Way to go, wheat (and wheat, jr. ;) ). Ya need to teach her to point the mic at herself so we can hear the question, too! That mic has pretty good rejection.

They remove a fin so those are the ones you can eventually catch and eat? What's the difference?

Wild fish are thrown back so they will spawn. Hatchery fish do not have wild instincts. Otherwise the species is at risk of becoming endangered.
Good stuff.

I found it ironic that there was a PSA about not using chewing tobacco, and then at 8:57ish the first guy in line obviously is doing so and spits in the cup.. :lol:
She certainly sets a high bar for the rest of the show. It's probably smart they didn't open with her segment ;)

Mr. Lower was pretty great though. "And there's lots of pipes... aaaand bigger pipes... and big machines. I drove a dump truck once but I'd really like to drive one of those things... So this is what yards and yards and yards of concrete look like." And then literally he shows a long shot with crickets chirping!! :lol: LOVE it. You can't write that.

(Disclaimer: I'm not really trying to be mean. It's actually pretty cool that the school has a student run channel like this.)
Needs better mic technique!

You can't talk into the side or back of a shotgun mic. That's where they reject sound!

hehe. Cute.
haha thats great! reminds me of my school's news show, the first five!! although, I am not part of the a news show, it interests me greatly.
