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watch Project thread for 109

Starting it off with a VERY rough 1st draft trailer.


1. I cut this myself. You'll see why I always hire an editor.
2. My sound guy would kill me, these are the camera audio tracks, sound is pretty bad, but just trying out some ideas.
3. Not properly color corrected. Applied a rough approximation S curve to the cinestyle footage.
4. The song is my band. It was the closing credits song of my first film Beyond the Wall of Sleep. The music for 109 is still being recorded.
5. Very compressed. The uploaded file is only about 25 MB.

Just a quick look at some footage and a bit of a tease.

OMG. The audio is....

That looks really good, Gonzo.
Considering the fun&games you had going on in THE ISLAND, I look forward to seeing how this unfolds.

Story & plot wise. ;)

(And hide this from your sound guy like fetish magazines from your wife! Pronto!)
I'll never tell him, and will probably take it down in a day or two. As I said, I went to the trouble to play editor and cut it together, so couldn't resist posting it for at least a day or so. Rough trailers I'll post, rough cuts of films you never show anybody.
Very interesting. :cool:

Gonna be keeping a blog or sumthin', as post gets worked on?

I will probably do a thread somewhere, maybe here, not sure which forum is best for it.

OH, and g'darn internets cross posting everything posted that link on facebook when I uploaded. I don't want something this rough that public, so now passsword protected.

Password: cannon