So, I was bored and tossed this off (so to speak) in about an hour. Probably shows. I don't know how good I am at low-brow teen humor. Probably suck. Anyways...
Title: The Premature Death by Waffle Iron of Stanley K. Wachowski
Genre: Comedy???
Pages: 13
This is a student-film PARODY. As in "satire." Do not take it seriously. In fact, you probably shouldn't take it at all. *sigh*
Log Line: Devastated when his girlfriend breaks up with him, Stanley Wachowski asks his best bud, a film student, to film his suicide.
Title: The Premature Death by Waffle Iron of Stanley K. Wachowski
Genre: Comedy???
Pages: 13
This is a student-film PARODY. As in "satire." Do not take it seriously. In fact, you probably shouldn't take it at all. *sigh*
Log Line: Devastated when his girlfriend breaks up with him, Stanley Wachowski asks his best bud, a film student, to film his suicide.