Pre-short nerves...

This is just a self-indulgent rant as I am getting the usual pre-short nerves. Getting to the stage of having vast amounts of nervous energy. Am shooting over the first three weekends in March.

Have an amazing cast - really superb - some great locations, a professional DoP who is awesome (and doing it all for free as he loves the concept) and a short which I wrote myself. As an idea, we turned down an actor with a little 'name' value (it was unanimous - all five of us) who held storylines on British soaps such as Emmerdale and Holby City and who has a good role in a low budget (a few million $$) feature coming out in March.

This short is either going to be fantastic or a disaster. My last short was described as 'accomplished' (thank you Nick Clapper), great first short etc... and I really appreciate all the Indietalk feedback but in the overall context of shorts, it was no more than OK. The next one is significantly more 'out there' and will either be terrible or a complete, total and utter disaster - nothing in-between. It is high risk artistically, a difficult subject (based on a true story) and now I am getting pre-shoot nerves.

I am as nervous as a kitten, particularly as this could go either way. It will either be excellent or terrible. Fingers crossed and thanks for indulging me...
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. A filmmaker is someone who throws themselves off the Empire State Building, and after 50 floors says, 'So far so good!


Oh god... :lol:

Let's hope it doesn't go this way. haha.

Gorilla, just do all the prep you possibly can, do your best and whatever happens is what was meant to be. You can't predict the future, but you can plan for it. When problems arise do everything in your power to solve them with a calm hand and cool head. Chances are the shoot won't go 100% smoothly. They never do! But maybe it will? Embrace the process and roll with it. Annnnnd.... action! :director:
Focus on the tasks at hand and the future doesn't need to bother you. There's plenty of time for the future when it eventually shows up... Time Procrastinates! Push ahead, ever forward!