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watch Power Up "aint she sweet" Flash Back Video

thats two posts like this (where I drive IT'ers to my facebook fan page)
that have received no comments.

Im presuming here is some negative feelings about this technique, please share your comments so I can improve my methods.
No negative feelings; can't Facebook at work though. I did fan you last time, and plan on checking out your video when I get home!
thanks all for the support (and thanks for the likes too!)

Sounds like I should relax a bit. Ill take the "marketing" part of this discussion to the correct forum...

Is it possible to embed a link in a youtube upload that to facebook? Cause I could do that too!
Just checked the video out, I think it was the trailer.

Cool to see that you moved quickly with your inspiration from the other guy's short film. Hard thing to do.

The title treatment bothered me, which may have contributed to why I kinda felt the trailer was a little slow.

Right now, it reminds me of a Hallmark E-Video Card, and if you watch it without sound it especially looks like that. Of course, that's all preference, but just what I saw.

Not sure if it's graded yet, but I wonder if showing too much footage from a short film before the final is ready is a good thing or a maybe not so good thing? I haven't done it before, in fact have only done half of a short before so I couldn't say. Is this indicative of the final product?

Either way, I'll stay tuned and watch for the release, whenever it goes up. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, good points Kholi,
The hallmark thing IS on purpose, maybe a bad call, but meh.. I like it!

Only one of the actual takes in the teaser made it to the final edit, thats not to say the SHOTS aren't there....

To me, and today this is a theory, after the release of power up, Ill have tested the theory, which theory is this:

To create interest I need to encourage individual investment in the project. As you participate with me in the process, your personal investment increases. My success, if any, is partially your success. It then is in your SELF INTEREST to support our project. The more I can "write" you into the narrative that is the release of the short film "Power Up" the more you will want to see it succeed.

Now, how I "create personal investment" is by inviting my personal network, which includes IT, facebook, and other local resources, in on the post production process. I believe by sharing the small successes of this or that VFX test render, or cool screen caps and the like, the net level of personal investment increases.

Other principles come into play in regards to what gets released early and what doesn't.
For example, I agonized on deciding if the teaser should reveal the special makeup effect of the "neck socket "or not, I mean, thats a big money shot and I tossed it right out there! In the end I came to the conclusion that reveling this important bit of information in the teaser had more value in promoting the quality and tenor of the project then it does as a cool reveal in the story\plot. Little is lost by doing so, and much is gained.

Ramble off.. lol
I don't think anything is a wrong choice, it's either one that works for yourself or it doesn't.

As always, grain of salt with what I say. :D I was just commentin' on how it came across to me.

Also, you may be right about your methods. Everyone has a different path. I just havent' done a short film so I wouldn't know how to market it or get it out to the people, this may be a pretty effective way.
1. I love the theme. (of the film)
2. I love the ending. (of the trailer)
3. The editing of the trailer was awesome!
4. The weak point for me was the subtitling of the story during the trailer (but I can close my eyes for that, when the story is good :))