Poster Opinions

I just signed a sub-distributor ship deal (thank you) and by ordering a certain amount of DVDs I get free posters made up. My designer created the DVD box for free, so I couldn't ask him to do the poster also. So I've tried to do it myself. If you saw this...

What do you think? Be honest, not mean. I only have a few days to get this to the printer folk.

Thanks: George

I like it, but I think it might be too busy.
I like the poster a lot overall.. I think that the testimonials add a lot, and i like the whole red theme. The only thing that did not grab me was the primary man screaming... It may be just me but something about the way that image is rendered looks very low-budget to me in not a good way. I really like the mary crying, personally I think that might look better as your main image.

Take all this with a HUGE grain of salt though, I am def not a graphic design person so this is very much just how it hit me as an individual/consumer type deal.
* Don't use Photoshop texture filters...especially on text. This isn't the gospel design truth, but it's a pretty good thing to go by. Default 'sandstone' textures (or burlap, or brick) tend to look very...photoshoppy.

* I LOVE the image on the bottom right--Mary. That is cool, and is well-placed (You might even want to flip it, and use it for your large element.)

* The large face (which is going to balance out your bottom right Mary) is very soft...this is loosing strength with the vibrant, high resolution, crystal clear Mary below. Perhaps you like it out of focus, as to fade away, more of a watermark feel? I'm not sure the balance is working. It's an OK image...but you may have a stronger one available to you.

* The typography of the text is if a heavy weight from above has been laid on top of everything. You may want to puff the leading and vertical spacing up a bit. And I know you want to throw 'a George Snow DV' in there...but as it rests, it's too close the the title. Either move it elsewhere, or up-arrow it up a few clicks.

* Do you see the distance the 'PRAY FOR' is to the title? That is the same distance you want 'NOW AT THE HOUR' to be from the title. Always be aware of constants in your design--especially when you're dealing with font to font, or font to image comparisons.

* There are too many pull quotes, and they are too small. Take a few out, and enlarge the best three.

* Take the texture filter off of the white text as well.

I'm being very picky I know...but I see such a strong image in the Mary, and red theme, that I'd like to see the whole thing come together. I've been a graphic designer for many years now...but that does not mean you need to heed my advice.

Play around. Look at other spectacular posters online or at the don't have to steal from them directly...but you can be inspired by design elements within.

Good luck.
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A George Snow DV


A George Snow Film

Doesn't matter what is was shot on, it's a film, or movie.
I love guts and gore (Friday 13th /Halloween/H.Birthday to me ect)...what I liked was the darkness of it .... and the Virgin Mary with the red light halo behind her giving it an ominous look...what I didn't like were the small pics at the bottom in what looked to be sprayed in red splatter over a photo. (the pic on the lower right looks like something added later...and because of that it doesn't look so spooky).
However the Virgin Mary against the red halo against the darkness with that red light glowing and a drip of blood running down her eye is creepy to me. So creepy that I would have to try it out because I love to be scared (watching a movie that is - where I can turn the light on and press pause if its too creepy - but haven't found a movie that is too creepy for me yet)
Thank you all for the input. I sent it to friends and family, plus a few other sites. The responses have been so varied I think I'm going to go with blowing up the DVD cover (that was done by a professional). It's the original poster with two blurbs in place of the credits. Thanks again.

Indietalk: I know what you mean about film or movie. I always call it a movie because it is. But, since it wasn't shot on film and so many "film makers" argue that DV shouldn't be called film, I thought I'd try something new and call it a DV. You never know, it might catch on. Twenty years from now, Us Sinners can be the first movie that marked itself as a DV.
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I'm giving this one last shot.

Perhaps someone who knows about photoshop can help.

I've attached the DVD case (looks great) and the new poster. It's basically the same as the cover only the font is absolutely different. The case looks incredible and the poster is still a little off.

But, now there's comparisons.
One more thing: if you're going to go with the slickness of Mary and the large face, with that typography...I'd nix the screen caps all together.

Just my opinion.
By screen caps, you're talking about the blurbs? The thing is, this is a poster to try and sell the DVD. People will read a few blurbs, and these are good. So, it can't hurt to have them, it can only help.

The positioning on the DVD case is excellent, I just can't seem to get it properly on the poster. The fonts are similar, yet they look completely different. The case looking great, and the poster sucking.
'A must have for hardcore horror fans'

That review stands out to me. I didn't or couldn't read it before and it got lost with the others. The other two reviews below it don't grab me like the first one...because that is what I am.

(I just checked a few scenes of your movie on youtube. Looks tempting....I must say the sound is excellent!)
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By screen caps, you're talking about the blurbs? The thing is, this is a poster to try and sell the DVD. People will read a few blurbs, and these are good. So, it can't hurt to have them, it can only help.

The positioning on the DVD case is excellent, I just can't seem to get it properly on the poster. The fonts are similar, yet they look completely different. The case looking great, and the poster sucking.

By screen caps I mean the screen captures...the actual images from the movie. They ARE cool definitely...but within the design of the poster, they don't fit. How often do you see actual screen caps in traditional films? Not too often, at leat not plain boxes--they are usually blended with the poster. You know?

The 'pull quotes' are what you, keep them. But dont' use as many. Take the best three.
'A must have for hardcore horror fans'

That review stands out to me. I didn't or couldn't read it before and it got lost with the others. The other two reviews below it don't grab me like the first one...because that is what I am.

(I just checked a few scenes of your movie on youtube. Looks tempting....I must say the sound is excellent!)

Thanks, especially about the blurb. That's what it's suppose to do. Many of the reviewers that enjoyed it, say basically the same thing. The people that hate it, well... They hate it the way the hardcore fans love it.

Netflix has clamped down on picking up micro-budget horror, but I'm hoping my distributor can convince them to take on Us Sinners. Not to be vain, but it really is better then much of the crap they offer. Even if you hate the first 80 minutes, the climax is excellent.

M1chae1: You're talking about my poor attempt at poster-making. You're right, it sucked. The new one is up, which is actually the original poster, just with my favorite blurbs in place of the screen credits.
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Thanks, especially about the blurb. That's what it's suppose to do. Many of the reviewers that enjoyed it, say basically the same thing. The people that hate it, well... They hate it the way the hardcore fans love it.

Netflix has clamped down on picking up micro-budget horror, but I'm hoping my distributor can convince them to take on Us Sinners. Not to be vain, but it really is better then much of the crap they offer. Even if you hate the first 80 minutes, the climax is excellent.

M1chae1: You're talking about my poor attempt at poster-making. You're right, it sucked. The new one is up, which is actually the original poster, just with my favorite blurbs in place of the screen credits.

No no no...I'm not saying you suck at all. You asked designed questions, and that's something that I do, so I critiqued it the way any designer would. It's tough making a good worries my man.

A George Snow DV


A George Snow Film

Doesn't matter what is was shot on, it's a film, or movie.

totally agree! Also, I think the font choice for "us sinners" is a little weak. Keep it a san-serif, but maybe something that fits better with the overall theme. The fullness in the letters isn't my taste.

Again, my taste is just that.

I LOVE the design, very eye catching
BTW. I like this design MUCH better than the previous one I commented on. Much better.

I would, however, change the IMPACT typeface to something else...I like the blood splatter on it, and it should be sanserif...but Impact is a little too...impacty.

If you're set on Impact, then go for it. I don't have a problem with it--vast improvement over the previous typography I saw.

OH and I agree....don't say DV...say film. Trying to be edgy by being honest about what format it's in doesn't matter. A film is a movie, is a movie is a film....doesn't matter that's it's on digital video. You should definitely say 'film.'

Good stuff. And the DVD cover looks nice.
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No no no...I'm not saying you suck at all. You asked designed questions, and that's something that I do, so I critiqued it the way any designer would. It's tough making a good worries my man.

That's okay, I do suck. I know it. I tried to add too much. For someone like me who has no sense of layout it's impossible to do something good and artistic. I have no knowledge. The main thing is sell the movie. So, I went back to the original which worked fairly well.

Thanks for the input.

Unfortunately, I can't change the DV. It's always been in the movie, on the DVD case, the poster. It's too late for that. But, being weird, I like it.

Keep your fingers crossed that by year's end you'll find it at Netflix.