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watch Possible Post-Apocalyptic Web Series?

I'm interested in a collaboration! I live in a desert so post-Apocalyptic scenery much? I have gear and can even get together a crew for no-cost. (Thank you Washoe County School District!) I'm interested in expanding on this idea and possibly using tools such as Skype to build upon it, maybe even turning it into a mini-series and either sell it or self-publish in local markets! I'll shoot you an email!
Holy shit, I didn't expect so many responses.

"indietalk community collab"

Let's do this thing then!

I don't have access to the internet as much as I used to, due to a recent change of location, but I have unlimited talk and texting on my phone, so that's going to be my main method of communication with whoever's on board with this project.

Now let me take advantage of this free wi-fi (lol) and get the ball rolling.

***Everyone who's on board with this project, please email me with your contact info. If someone isn't comfortable with leaving their phone number, that's fine, but please note it's going to take awhile for me to get back to you if we're only using email.

Hunteq, I already have your info. I'll give you a call once I'm done here.

Matt, I understand you're in Australia so email communication would be ideal (unless skype can make international calls to cellphones?)

Harpsichoid, Jake, and directorik, I need your contact info (I would leave my number on this thread, but I don't want any spam calls).


1.) Since communication is limited on my part, I'm going to need someone who can relay messages and coordinate/arrange online meetings with our group. Hunt, I might ask you to do that since I have your number already.

2.) I would like to assign a co-writer to help me write the script. Directorik, that's where you might come in.

3.) And of course, we need a director to shoot this thing. I would have to see samples of peoples works before I make a decision on that.

Jake and Harp, we obviously don't need VFX and music at this stage of production, so communication isn't as urgent, but of course you're still welcomed to attend the group discussions, seeing as you're apart of this collab now. I think... right?

Are we all game to work together? I should've asked that in the beginning.

Well, if we are all game, then all of what I said above is still relevant.

I have to go now, but I'm leaving Hunt in charge of organizing this project while I'm offline... I hope he's OK with that (lol).
Remember to email me your contact info!
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How very very cool. I'm excited and I'm not even involved.

And skype does let you call mobile phones around the world for around 3 cents a minute I think.
By the way I have some engineering friends who do odd jobs for me who are interested as well! Really exciting. I have a couple ideas on how to write and widely produce this... It'll be hard... But most likely worth it. Also if we can tie each episode together maybe we can enter into a film festival or competition! Haha! Pretty excited. Also if we do any effects or such especially on FCP, I have access to a rendering system that can render whole projects, (feature length), in under three days.
I just want to make one thing clear: Please do not assign yourself positions without my knowledge. I don't want to sound like Mr. Large-and-in-charge, but I am the official founder of this project after all, so you can suck it! :P

So far the only positions that have been assigned are:

Artistic Director/Writer - Myself
Group Facilitator - Hunter

Until I get confirmation from directorik, harp and Jake, those are the only positions. All the rest are TBD.
Um. Group facilitator? I've never heard that term before! I'm flattered! I'll have to research this one. I'm a tech director, essentially a studio hermit... Haha. Definantly interesting! Why don't we start by listing skills? Or something?
Harpsichord beat me to volunteering a score ;-) That said, if you find the need for some incidental and/or end credits songs, I'm doing some hard electro-industrial these days! And Harpsichord, if you want to collaborate and farm out some of the orchestration, let me know!
2.) I would like to assign a co-writer to help me write the script. Directorik, that's where you might come in.

3.) And of course, we need a director to shoot this thing. I would have to see samples of peoples works before I make a decision on that.
I'm not much of a co-writer. I'm not good at helping other
writers write a script. I'm a solo writer. But when this goes
to "series" maybe you'll think of me to write an episode.

I'll throw my hat in the ring as a director. When the script
for the short is finished and it's something I think I could do
I'll show you some samples.
My last film played at several festivals with another film somewhat similar in concept to this. I think it was called "The picture show at the end of the world". Man and his female lover/wife. They had been silent film stars. She is dying and they are wandering a post apocalyptic world looking for a projector so they can watch themselves on screen together one last time.
I can't help, but I wish you guys luck and I hope you'll keep us all updated!

But I do want to suggest one thing... don't fall into the trap of creating a grey, washed out look, which is SUCH a cliche.

I kinda like what they did with Battlestar Galactica, with a yellow look. But you could do anything. As long as it's original.

Here's a really dorky video I found, but you can see some examples from BSG's bombed-out Caprica...
