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watch Poptent Advice?

My film partner and I are about to shoot a 45sec spot for Poptent. For those of you who have submitted to a Poptent assignment, we could use some advice....

We both have film experience (but are relative newbies), so beyond the basics (high production values, good sound, etc.), are there any to-do's, nuances, caveats, other "gotchas" that we should look out or plan for? We're also watching and learning from those posted on the forum.

Any advice or thoughts greatly appreciated!

From someone who's "won" a Poptent deal:

1. Do what the brief says, don't veer away too far.

2. Apparently, no idea is too corny or old. Don't spend too much time concocting something brilliant.

3. Make it look good.

4. Have fun.

poptent LG video here: http://vimeo.com/12906361
Always put the product/their audience first.

If you're narrative doesn't feature/play to both of the above, it makes your chances alot slimmer.

Simple is always better. I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen the comment "Why didn't I think of that?" on the winning spot.

It's a good community there.

Best of luck.
Thanks for your advice, P-

We shoot Sunday, and the notes we've recieved on the forum will definately help us. Will post the video ASAP after we get it submitted for comment.

