VP, 3 500w Smith and victor open face lights on stands... nothing special

Thanks for the compliments, and yes, still flogging the old canon
Spinner, not sure where to vote... and where were you when I was trying to cut out a minute and a half from the edit... oh yeah, couple of states away

ZS, you noticed the funny thing... good for you, it's actually a clip reversed of her looking down, so the movement is a bit odd, but it was the only relxed moment of her I got cause she thought I was shooting her hands rather than her face (evil director moment

IT, thanks (wasn't quite sure if this should be a screening room item as it's a youtube vid so thanks for the move). I was going for the old cooking show kinda thing hoping it came through and it seemed to have done so. The continuity errors were due to the speed at which we shot (3 hours) and the fact that we only had enough ingredients for twice through the recipe. I tried to hide them as best I could using match edits and cut on action. Holds pretty well I thought (although all I see are the continuity errors
