Pickles & Licorice

When it comes to craft services and catering, I get a lot of requests for pickles and licorice from the cast & crew. Seems like a reasonable request to accommodate. What are your thoughts? Experiences with this?

Gotta have food. I say give 'em what they want.
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Don't spoil them Flicker. It's amazing what they'll settle for if you're giving them points off the back end of distribution proceeds.

TIP: A good way to save on food is get bunch of lawn clippings and stick it in the frig for few weeks and then on the shoot days tell them it's some kinda Gourmet Seaweed dish. They'll never know the difference.
Hah! We always have Red Vines or Twizzlers on set.

Don't understand pickles though. Isn't the rule that of you're working in close quarters all day the food shouldn't smell awful (or result in you smelling awful)? ;)
We always ask the cast for their favourite eats. Then, depending the context of the material, we go and get a local sandwich store, coffee shop or takeaway onboard.

People love filmmakers.

Pickles? That's just peculiar. :lol:
I think the pickles request was a 'low carb' thing. I'm a fan of black licorice so that's a gimme. And there are two camps of licorice: Red Vines and Twizzlers. Twizzlers all the way, baby.

Flicker Pickles. Might have to run with that! ;)
"Flicker Pickles. Might have to run with that!"

