Photos of NYC, Early/Mid 20th Century

This is sooooo cool. Thanks for sharing that link with those amazing photos. I've been checking on the actual NYC municipal site the last few days too, ever since I read about it in the paper. I guess since it was publicized they haven't been able to handle the traffic/demand. Hahah. Hopefully they'll up their capacity enough that we can browse it with ease. I don't know, they're not cheap, but it's going to be tempting to order a print or more from their print service.

They're all great. But that top photo of Grand Central Terminal is amazing, isn't it?

Also, for some reason I think the "Well" photo is also a stand out, striking image. Well, it looks like something out of a sci fi or a fantasy film, I guess.

Oh my gosh, check out "Aftermath of a collision on an elevated rail track." That looks safe. Somebody call OSHA.
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Great pics, weird to see some of them showing construction workers on bridges with no apparent safety gear. Health and safety guys would have a field day now.

The first shot showing the light beams flooding into Grand central station is gorgeous