archived-videos Pepsi Access Commercial - The Talking Fridge

I'm submitting this commercial for a Pepsi access contest through Youngcuts.

Tell me what you think. It was a one man show, and made up on the spot tonight, because Bill is really busy, and my girlfriend was too busy enjoying the Air Conditioned bedroom.

Uh.. without further ado...


Ok now I'm nervous. Hit with me critiques!
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Spatula said:
ooh- sound issues? There is dialogue. No music though. Any idea what caused that?

What format is the file in? I can't tell. Also, you may be using an audio format that is OS specific instead of a generic one. You may want to check that.
Umm.. it's a WMV file. I ran it through Windows Media Encoder, so if you're not Windows, I guess that explains it. I'll have a shitty Quicktime version up soon. I just have to run to the post office and throw it in overnight delivery to hit my deadline.
Actually that's not entirely true. I am on a Mac but use a plug-in called Flip4Mac which enables Quicktime to play WMV files. This is the first time I've had an issue with sound. I haven't used Media Encoder in a while... does it allow you to specify encoding options? I'm not sure what to recommend to you except to maybe re-encode it.
Well, I don't know. I'm a crappy little editor, but even crappier when it comes to encoding. When Windows Media asks "What do you want it to be", I pick the option "Web Server (Progressive Download)".

I'll try and make a Quicktime version, but it'll be a big file size.
Quicktime Version

Here's the quicktime version:


Tell me how this is- because the audio skips for me. Probably my computer though...
Looks and sounds fine to me. All I would recommend is to try and balance out the refrigerator audio which sounds pretty crisp with the actors (which is not so crisp). Also adding a sound effect to the hammer hitting the fridge would be good.

Nice job!
The only part that struck me as unbelievable was when you're trying to open the door. I watched it several times and it just didn't look like the door was really locked shut.

Also not sure this would improve it or not...

But maybe along with the cut right after you swing the hammer, if there was some kind of banging noise that would pass for banging the hammer on the fridge... Not sure it would work but I remember not hearing it and it just stuck in my mind that IF I had heard it, I might have accepted it just a little more.

I thought the THUMBS UP was funny as hell.

FilmJumper said:
The only part that struck me as unbelievable was when you're trying to open the door. I watched it several times and it just didn't look like the door was really locked shut.
But maybe along with the cut right after you swing the hammer, if there was some kind of banging noise that would pass for banging the hammer on the fridge... Not sure it would work but I remember not hearing it and it just stuck in my mind that IF I had heard it, I might have accepted it just a little more.

Good call. That's a second for a hammer noise. I just realized I even had a sound byte of the fridge saying "I guess it's hammer time.." I've already sent it off, but I'll change that for the web versions.
Based on the feedback, I've added a few sound effects. Too late for the competition I'm afraid, but then again, the rules did say "It does not have to be polished", so maybe it's still game on if they like the concept.

Anyway, here's the version with soundeffects, in Quicktime for all you Maccies.


Trivia: The sound effects I used were ones I found for my first ever short: The Perfect Sandwich. Neat bit of trivia. Um... yeah.
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