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Pain Killer seeking North American Distribution

HAHA! It'a about time!!!

I saw this a long while ago on FXhome but I never had time to see the trailer (because it's hard to take some of the stuff there seriously, haha), but OH MY.

Very good lookin' film. Are you not going to hit some festivals before distribution?

anyway, got to go to work, but keep us posted on this production- I will always love a drug-related, man-on-a-mission revenge story.

Very nice.


Thanks for the kind words.

Will definitely keep people updated. And I know what you mean about FXhome. Although from their standpoint, they kind of don't have much of a choice.

As far as Festivals go, as far as my experience is concerned, they are mostly a waste of time for the most part.

I'd rather go straight into distribution. That has been my strategy on RECON 2020 and so far it worked decently, nothing great, but decent, unlike the other filmmakers I know that are losing money in countless, useless festivals. I go to festivals when they invite me and charge me nothing. They are making money from showing our films, I don't see why we should pay for the "privilege". Without films, there would be no festivals to begin with. It costs enough to make the damn movies.
Great-looking trailer! :cool:

How'd you blow that car up? The brief clip of that looked too good for cgi.

Drawing from Deathwish, The Crow and similar influences?

Rockin' soundtrack, too. :)

The car was a real car explosion. The clip you saw is a teaser (and the synopsis doesn't really do the story justice) but it is an homage to the good old revenge/vigilante flicks of yore.

There should be a trailer online before the end of September that will cover more the story aspects.

You can also check the official site of my other film, RECON 2020 at http://www.recon2020-movie.com

The car was a real car explosion.

That's what it looked like... but seriously?!

What kind of budget were you working with?

If you have any more spare cars, I'll take one. Ta.
I think you have the type of film (along with the title and great kick-ass poster) that would be pretty easy to find distribution to major stores like Hollywood Video, Blockbuster, etc.

Anybody who likes action, thrillers, horror, etc., would probably consider renting that in a heartbeat, and most I bet, would. You have a very appealing looking movie that looks to stand above most direct-to-video-action movies and thrillers. It even looks better than the ones that have known names attached. I mean, do Steven Seagal and Dolph Lundgren stand a better chance with some lame looking movie they've already been in a hundred times, or some mysterious "Pain Killer" movie that looks like what the Punisher should have been.

Or maybe you're looking for theatre distribution, obviously that may be harder, but I think you could find that, but I don't think there'd be any hesitation for somebody like Screen Media Films, The Asylum, Image Entertainment, perhaps Lions Gate, to pick it up for direct-to-video.

And since a movie like this has a gauranteed market, you're right about film festivals being a waste of time. They can be a great outlet for unusual films and ones that otherwise probably wouldn't get looked at w/o festival praise or awards, but the cost can rise way above your own film's budget and may be worthless. If you have something easy to sell, like your movie, why not go staight for distribution.

All the best wishes, regardless.
Thanks for the comments.

I do not want theatrical distribution at this stage. As you mentioned, it would be too costly/too much of a risk without stars. DTV is mighty fine for me...

As for the budget, I don't really want to talk about it since usually distributors will deal you down when they know how much you spent. But suffice to say that blowing up a car is not that expensive... Buy a heap that doesn't run, hollow it out, put explosives and voila...

And yeah, I must admit that we were guilty of trying to do what the Punisher should have been... The Hensleigh movie pissed me off!