archived-videos Overtime Boogaloo

Some of you might remember me posting way back in January about a music video I directed.

Those of you who were holding your breath to see it are likely dead now, and I wish you happy travels in the great beyond -- please don't haunt me.

Those of you who gave little more than a rat's hind end and are still here -- Hooray for you!!!! Not only are you not worm food, but you are also privileged enough to see that music video!!!! Talk about a win-win!!!!

I like exclamation points!!!!

Anyway, it's up on YouTube. Go watch it! Be amazed by the low budget wardrobe! Marvel at the poor compression! Crap yourself over the continuity errors! And be sure to rate it (if you dare).

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I'm on probation apparantly and can't vote yet!

Must be all the Anti-American propoganda you been spreadin' -- Canadian! Either that or the liquor store robbery spree you went on last year. Oh, and there was the "accidental" death of your landlord.

Don't let the man get you down.

NICE Poke. There is some very nicely done camera work here, and the directing is good although as you said, you had some grander plans. All in all, weird, and good :)

Thanks. I can take credit for both the directing and camera work being as I was a one man crew. Hey, maybe I'll write a book about it.

I'm interested to know why everyone thinks it's kind of "weird."

I think it's kinda weird because I worked late nights in a corporate office for years, and all the janitor ever did with me was ask me for my trash can. If my janitor had stopped, and started stroking his broom handle while staring at me, I would have been just a little creeped out. We don't know if the janitor and the white collar worker were complete strangers, or good friends. I assumed there was no prior relationship.

Finally, the guy left his terminal unsecured, and unattended. Everyone who's ever worked in a cubicle in corporate America knows you just don't do that, unless you've got a bad case of diarrhea. That's really spooky!
Thanks. Just so we're clear, the question of what was so weird about it came from one of the actors -- I guess he's used to this sort of thing, I mean we do work in television.

Must be all the Anti-American propoganda you been spreadin' -- Canadian! Either that or the liquor store robbery spree you went on last year. Oh, and there was the "accidental" death of your landlord.

Don't let the man get you down.

Wahoo! I did it! I became a member using Arnold (the governator) as leverage! I don't want to explain myself.

I voted for you Poke. Even though you're the man (you can't get me down). /innuendo

And to clarify, my propaganda is anti-everybody-equally, that was a liquor store MURDER spree, and my landlord died from just caring too much. However, I am responsible for those horrible crabs that inhabit your nether-regions.