OU uncovered on College Humor

On June 1, OU uncovered was featured on CollegeHumor.com.

This forced me to spend A LOT of money (to me) to upgrade my site to handle all of the traffic...which it still really can't.

Now, I may be wrong about this, but I believe that the only humor site in America (probably the world) that is more popular is Ebaumsworld.com!

If I'm wrong, then correct me please...

OUU has been downloaded about 5,000 times by now. I honestly hope the traffic will die down eventually so my site can stay up this month. I don't want people to get pissed at my site for always being suspended, haha.

I now have google ads up...THAT NEVER GET CLICKED! So far I've earned $3 (my site's been visited by like 3,000 unique visitors!). That means I'm 1% on my way compensate those website bills...ALRIGHT! :cheers:

P.S. CHECK THIS OUT! I think it's awesome.
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Beware the EPIC plans of Google, good Logan.

Sounds like a bit of a mixed blessing, being so popular that it hurts the pocket-book.

Which has been your most successful show, btw, downloadwise?

OU uncovered has been downloaded more (simply because it was on College Humor...5,000 times), but more people respond to The Mustache Chronicles (about 4,000 times- all episodes combined). The latter is on Blogs, random sites, and the like whereas OUU is only on the sites I submitted to. It's interesting to see...honestly, I still want to make a better movie than both of these, but this newfound niche has given me some confidence.
Cool links, the both of you!

Logan- if you're getting that much bandwidth, maybe you should start combing for sponsors to host your videos, or better advertisers. Congratulations Mr. Popular!

Dang. Google is taking over the world. I'm sticking with Hotmail, even though I have a gmail account. 2015- the Google ninjas invade the government offices in Canada, the UK and eventually, the USA. They place thier supreme chancellor, "The Googlemiester" at the head of a collective government known as "Googlopia". With thier army of ninja seek-and-destroy agents, they slowly but surely begin thier global conquest...