other sony vegas issue

I am using sony vegas 12. I didn't some touch ups on some audio and when I went to open up my project.
the audio files keep making a weird
"beellerrrp" sound every now and then. it is only on the files that I was touching up on. when I closed out of the program earlier today I re listened to them and they sounded fine. now that I opened up the program again
the files I was touching up on keep making that sound.

anyone have any ideas?

It is now making the sound with some other audio clips I didn't even mess with. it is a random
sharp robotic bleeping sound that keeps coming up. My original files are not corrupt I check them so that's not the issue.
First things first - learn to edit your posts! :)

Secondly, and this is a pretty obvious suggestion, but have you rebooted your computer since the sounds started occurring?

Next, if the above doesn't work, try exporting the affected areas of your project - do the sounds occur then, or only in the editing?

Sony support may be able to help you out a bit better than we can!
hahaha yeah I fucked that post up.

no I haven't tried rebooting my comp.

the original files don't have this screeching. but after I did some normal stuff like get rid of noise it sounded fine. so I exited the program. no more then five min later I decided I wanted to keep editing and re opened it. that is when I started to hear the random screeching in the files
I had fixed. the other files I haven't gotten to yet don't give me any crap
hahaha yeah I fucked that post up.

no I haven't tried rebooting my comp.

the original files don't have this screeching. but after I did some normal stuff like get rid of noise it sounded fine. so I exited the program. no more then five min later I decided I wanted to keep editing and re opened it. that is when I started to hear the random screeching in the files
I had fixed. the other files I haven't gotten to yet don't give me any crap

Right... so, restart the computer (honestly that should have been the first thing you did...), and then if that still doesn't work, try what I said and export the affected areas of your project. If the glitches happen in the rendered files, then it's a problem. If they don't appear in the rendered files, then it's something that's odd but not worth having a heart attack over just yet!

Like I said, Sony support could probably help out a bit better. Check to make sure you have the latest update, as well.

Sorry, but I did have to ask.

What specific processing did you do to the clips?

Have you done any fades to the clips after you processed them?

Are you sure that you edited the audio at zero crossing points?

And the usual... What are your speakers, audio interface, etc.

Have you checked for machine (computer), peripherals/accessories and softwares/plug-ins for conflicts?

Are you using your box (computer) for anything other than editing?
I had a similar issue with Sony Vegas Platinum 11 the other month. I had sound files messing up like that in my edit + rendered project, whilst the original sound files remained intact. I can't quite remember correctly how I solved this issue, but I think I had to take all of the affected sound files in the actual edit out and replace them with the original / fresh file (basically just replacing the sound file with the same one) and I think that's how it worked for me. Sorry if it doesn't work for you...