archived-videos Original Sci-fi Series: "The Portal"


Sliders gone to hell and back. I like it. The bluescreening has some left to be desired, and the monotone voice kills, yet it all adds to it at the same time.

Good job. What did you record with? Hi-8?
Thanks. I had to use my Ezonics webcam, which I use to capture the video directly to the computer, and an old, dingy blanket for the greenscreen. I have to rely on natural light from my bedroom window for lighting, which is why it's so hard to get the transparency right. I'd love to be able to afford some actual production equipment, someday, but, for now, I just have to make do with what I have, which is next to nothing. It's very frustrating, sometimes.
WOW!!! at first glance I didnt think too much but after you explain how you only used your webcam and your VERY VERY VERY limited equipment. I think you did a good job with what you have!!!
Good Stuff!

Hey man, Great Job working with what little you had. It's obvious that you are extremely creative and have some really good ideas about SFX. Maybe it's because I know that you did it with your webcam and an old blanket that I enjoyed it, but you deserve a pat on the back.

Man keep working on this stuff.

Oh and I loved your voice!

Yeah, nowadays, it takes up to three or more months to make an episode (the last one took six), because I hardly ever have the opportunity to work on them, but, in the end, it's worth it. Thanks.
Great job. You are my hero. With the video equivilant of duck tape and bailing wire, you're making a TV show. Keep up the good work. It reminds me of Dr. Who.

I just finished all 8 episodes and have to congratulate you on the series. I like the classic sci-fi feel. What software are you using for the graphics? Also, how many episodes do you have planned?

Keep up the good work and I look forward to #9.

I use Adobe Premiere for the compositing and special effects. I, also, use Animation Shop for special effects and 3D Studio Max for the virtual sets and CG animations. There will, probably, be around 15 episodes. There might be more or fewer, depending on how the storyline progresses and other factors.
I watched your "making of" clip and you said you had to depend on sunlight for your main source. You know I've seen work lights at hardware stores and autopart stores that are 500 watts and run between $10-20. You can take one of these lights and bounce it off the wall and/or ceiling and it should give you plenty of light.

Just a suggestion that might help you shoot faster instead of depending on mother nature.

I can't afford them. Like I said in the video, it's a no-budget production. Besides, they'd probably get very hot and just make the electric bill higher.
Steve, you could buy little $2.00 chrome lights and put 200 watt bulbs in them. That wouldn't affect the electric bill much, if any, and it wouldn't cost that much for the materials.

I've almost given up on it a few times because it's hard to do without the proper equipment, plus the fact that I never seem to have much of an opportunity to work on it, these days. I plan on finishing the series, though, no matter how long it takes.