Opteka SteadyVid Pro stabilizer test

Hi all,
I wanted to share some footage shot on my Canon t3i on an Opteka SteadyVid Pro stabilizer. I'm also sharing my guide to balancing the system. In the guide, I discuss the critical concepts relevant to stabilizing the Opteka stabilizer (and any steadicam-like system): drop time, static balance, and dynamic balance.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBfu9fs20pw Low-angle test
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5rDBm-uZuI Tips on balancing Opteka SteadyVid Pro

I'd love to get some feedback on these videos.

SteadyVid is the first stabilizer I've ever used. I'm still learning how to use the system, but I feel I've been making improvements with each use. As it is, I treat this as my learning stabilizer. Eventually, when I get better at using it, I hope to move up to a more robust system. A lot of people are in a dilemma whether to buy Flycam Nano or the Opteka (they are in the same price range). Looking at the video tests people have posted, I would guess the two stabilizers are comparable in what they can do. I would love to test the Nano at some point, to compare the two...
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Opteka SteadyVid Pro test shots

Hey guys, I'm attaching a few more Opteka SteadyVid Pro sample shots. I'm getting ready to shoot a short film which will make some use of this stabilizer, so I've been jumping at any opportunity to get some practice... Let me know what you think.

(For best results, change quality to 1080P or 720P)


Cinco de Mayo

Dog explores the back yard

Overall, I see a lot of potential in this stabilizer (it's my first-ever stabilizer). The only problem with this stabilizer is the lack of ability to fine tune weight adjustments in small increments. I've been gaf-taping quarter-dollar coins to the front and back weights to get the right dynamic balance. Still, I've been able to get some nice shots -- enough that I see potential in investing more time in learning how to use this thing...
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Here is my review of the opteka steadyvid pro and a few examples of what I was able to get with this steadicam.

(For best results, change quality to 1080P or 720P)



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