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watch Opinions on artistic short??

I like the editing, and I can see the "fast-paced" and "artsy" look that you're going for. Something that might be detracting from that feel is that the images are washed out. The backgrounds should be nearly white instead of grey, and the whole thing should be much brighter and more saturated (the video is about color, after all).

Also, for such a quick video, don't play your logo at the beginning, and if you use it at all (I personally wouldn't), make it very quick at the end.

It kinda reminds me of this video: http://vimeo.com/21835693

Good start!
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It's really good actually! I agree that it should be more contrasted/brighter to bring out the colour.

Love the use of music with the edits.

I agree about the logo though. It can be a bit off-putting when you reach half-way into the video and you're still watching titles.
Hmm. That's kinda neat. This might be a cool effect -- not sure when you'd use it, but...what if you shot it close enough that the outside of the glass was not in view, and you shot it in front of a green-screen. Key it out, put it on top of whatever you want. Could be something fun to play around with. I'll have to remember this. :)
Cool ideas man. As funny as it sounds, it felt a little flat and unlit. I know it's cups on a table, but still. Some nicer glasses would up the look too instea of ordinary plastic cups.

For real though, cool ideas.
As funny as it sounds, it felt a little flat and unlit.

Pretty much, yup.

The various split-screen & motions kept it moving. You've got that part fine.

The actual objects just need some style or panache of their own; independent of the flair with which they were manipulated.
If you make the whites whiter and the colors brighter, I could see that as commercial on television. For what, I don't know, but these days, half the time I have no idea what commercials are for anyway.

Nice job.