Opening Title Help

Well I'm trying to create an opening title sequence to a film and I want it to be something like this:

I wanted it to be Like that^
The red circles coming closer and closer and disappearing if you get what i mean? I don't know how to explain it that well better yet I don't even know how to do it....I've shot everything else and edited but now all i need is a title sequence. Any ideas?
That's a strange red circle.

There's a few ways that came to mind about replicating the effect.

In Flash you could manually draw all the lines, but this will take an extremely long time.

In After Effects make a circle that increases its scale level until you cant see it then put some kind of displacement or warp effect on it that changes over time. If you know anything about expressions you could probably put one on that effect so that you don't need to manually warp it
For some bizare reason I worked on this instead of the major projects I got going on.. spent a good 2 hours..

Starting with this tut to get a procedural circle in AE and particular...

Then I just played with the turbulence of the physics of the particles...

Repeat a few times.. and, well here ya go.. I added 3d camera effects and well.. pretty close and pretty cool..