Online digital film screeners

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Just thought I'd share this with everyone. Could come in handy. I saw this on another forum and its been quite useful.

I'm sending my film around to film funds, sales agents and the press. I have a problem sharing a Vimeo password protected film - I forget who has access and who doesn't. If I change the password then a bunch of people suddenly stop having access to my film.

These guys have a solution that addresses that aspect by letting you send individual copies of the film and lets you set expiry dates for them.

I'm using their free service for now (10 free screeners), but its been working out quite well. Not exactly what I want, but close enough.

What do you guys think of this? Anyone else on here using them?
Hi everyone,

I work at Indee and we occasionally Google ourselves (there I said it), and we chanced upon this page. Thanks for mentioning us kimaubs !

I'm not sure what the protocol is, and whether I can speak with you guys, despite just being the tech guy at Indee and not (yet) a filmmaker.

In any case, we've got a lot of new technologies coming out. Of course our secure screeners are online, but we're also working on cheap but fast online delivery of DVD images and DCP packages anywhere in the world.

I'd love to engage with you guys to help us understand how we can best serve the community.

To start off, I'm curious what suggestions you'd have for our screeners. Most of the major film sales companies are using Indee, but just a few dozen filmmakers themselves. I'm curious what the major deterrent is for you guys. Is it just the price or is there a very limited market for secure screeners and filmmakers prefer the Youtubes and Vimeos of the world?

I hope we can engage with each other and we can build amazing products that everyone here wants.

If this posting is in anyway inappropriate, please let me know and I'll refrain from discussing Indee on here.

Thanks everyone!
I'm not a power that be, so I don't have any say of whether you can post this here, but I think it'd be good to have a little discussion in the mean time... as I've been reading about media distribution lately.

I'll be quite frank with you, I've just read every page on your screeners part of your website that I could find and I still don't understand what you do. I see that you do analytics and that's pretty cool for those who want to pay attention to that (I would) but in what frame of mind would I use it?

I cannot see any examples on your site of what I'd use your service for.... well outside of using your service to attempt to sell a film to a studio/distributor.
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