archived-videos One of my short films now online

Hi guys, this is a short I made a couple of years ago and have just now got it online. It's called Office Break.

You can watch it by clicking here.

It's only about five minutes long. If you like the film, please help me out by passing it around and/or by clicking on the ad at the end (I think it's a trailer for The Hills Have Eyes).
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Shes got a nice pair of legs and a pretty face, with plenty of good running at the end is what i like to see!

Liked the pictures of the beach which were quite photogenic. Good work!
That's fantastic. Really. From the clever title to the writing and acting. When was this shot and did it ever make festival?
First of all, thanks guys for the amazing feedback. Glad you liked it.

Shes got a nice pair of legs and a pretty face, with plenty of good running at the end is what i like to see!

That's my wife in the film, so I totally agree with you!

When was this shot and did it ever make festival?

We never sent it to any festivals. It was literally shot in one day while we were producing a show for VH1. It was more or less a test for our then brand-new DVX-100a (which I love thoroughly, btw). Plus, the entry fees for festivals just didn't seem worth it for such a small movie.

But then came sites like Revver, YouTube and Google video, which we'll be uploading to in the next day or so.

Thanks again for the great comments and keep 'em coming!
You should make sure you put that on medialab, then you can get it rated and placed on a compilation on IFC! Recognition!

BTW, what show on VH1 were you producing If I may ask.
I'll look into medialab. Thanks.

The show on VH1 was called Illustrated. It was a cartoon sketch comedy show. And I wasn't a producer per se. I ran a satelite studio here in LA doing character design while the main production work was done in Pennsylvania.
Loved your film. Just great. I was admiring the simplicity of your shots and how well they worked.. and then I cracked up when I finally 'got it' a bit into the film - maybe I'm a little slow :lol: I loved your interesting choice of opera music. How did you come to that? Again, terrific work!