On the Lot

I have been working the whole year for this contest. That is what Happy Birthday Jack is all about. I can't wait till my film finally gets up on the site.
Yeah, I've known about this for close to a year, and never intended to submit until one of the producers emailed me & asked me to last week. It's a little wierd. after Project Greenlight 3 disqualified me for being a "professional", meaning I had been paid for directing and also had distribution for short films, I assumed I would never be able to get in on this show, but their rules are mighty different.

It's from the producers of SURVIVOR and THE APPRENTICE teamed with Steven Spielberg. Project Greenlight meets American Idol.... making short films each week and people getting voted off the show by the public. I'm very cynical about the whole thing, but submitted because I would rather take the chance than not at all.
Yeah, I've known about this for close to a year, and never intended to submit until one of the producers emailed me & asked me to last week. It's a little wierd. after Project Greenlight 3 disqualified me for being a "professional", meaning I had been paid for directing and also had distribution for short films, I assumed I would never be able to get in on this show, but their rules are mighty different.

It's from the producers of SURVIVOR and THE APPRENTICE teamed with Steven Spielberg. Project Greenlight meets American Idol.... making short films each week and people getting voted off the show by the public. I'm very cynical about the whole thing, but submitted because I would rather take the chance than not at all.

I totally agree with you about being cynical. I had reservations for it as I am not anywhere near as good as some of the people on there but I figure it is exposure and it should get me out there as a name anyway.

BTW - Sonnyboo you will notice that i used some of your music in my production and I thank you so much for that! Knightly also helped with my script and I truly appreciate this place for the great resource that it is.

Where is your film?
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BTW - Sonnyboo you will notice that i used some of your music in my production and I thank you so much for that! Knightly also helped with my script and I truly appreciate this place for the great resource that it is.

IndieTalk rocks. Lots of good info & even better people.

Where is your film?

I just submitted yesterday, I think there's some processing time or something. I uploaded it, but mailed the forms today. I forgot to put an intro on the web version which is required, but it's on the DVD I'm mailing in.

Has anyone else beeon contacted by the producers directly BEFORE submitting? I find it very odd that I was asked to submit. It makes me suspicious and angst ridden.
Looks like that site & contest are going full tilt boogie now. Over 16,000 confirmed submissions (probably more since the post mark was yesterday).

Nicholas cages brother Chris Coppola (nephew of Francis Ford Coppola) has caused a stir because of who he is. Several people are complaining that it's not fair... but the rules state it's open to professionals and amateurs.

Anyone else on there yet?

My film went live yesterday