• If posting a video, please post HERE, unless it is a video as part of an advertisement and then post it in this section.
    • If replying to threads please remember this is the Promotion area and the person posting may not be open to feedback.

On-Line Film Festival CALL FOR ENTRIES

A Call for Entries for the Eclips Festival- an on-line film festival offering low entry fees and a world-wide audience (and if desired- six months of free webspace for screening) is underway and the deadline is right around the corner.
www.eclipsfestival.com for more information.
Winners and finalists will be rolled out over ten days between July 1 and July 10, 2004 and winners will also receive six months of free hosting on the site for their projects.
The deadline is Monday April 15th.
Please keep advertisements in the Classified Ads.

Thread moved.
