Not a different story. Producer credits are handed out like candy on crowdfunding. For 8 grand I could go pick 16 projects to be a producer on, if not more.
Hell, half of them will most likely turn out pretty damn good as well.
At this point I'm a bit confused. You're so stubborn in your belief of a platform I feel you know a little about. Why even ask about it on a forum? You could have Googled the limit for Rewards in like ten seconds instead of making this thread. Then I give you advise (which is backed by YEARS of researching Kickstarter) and you just dismiss it as if you know better.
You call Rewards, perks. Your terminology isn't even correct.
Are you delusional? Do you think people just throw money at projects on Kickstarter? Do you think your films are revolutionary? Do you think everyone is going to love it? If you answered Yes to any of those.. you need a wake up call. Film is one of the HARDEST categories of Kickstarter to find funding. ALL Kickstarters follow a traditional formatting that has been used for YEARS that shows you're not just some random person trying to make a quick buck.
4,500 CAD is a pretty modest goal (Assuming this isn't a short, if it is you better be doing sci-fi), and it is something you could ABSOLUTELY succeed at funding. However, you need to learn what makes a successful Kickstarter. You'll either succeed or fail within the first 72 hours. That campaign needs to be captivating to a seasoned crowd of Kickstarter.
If you think someone is going to pay 8 THOUSAND DOLLAR to have a producer credit on your project, you're insane. Producer of a nobody project is like being the producer of a home-video. People that pledge to producer rewards are more about the quantity than the quality. They are looking to rapidly expand their IMDb with decent looking pages, that would be able to give the perception that they are an actual producer of some worth.
Most Kickstarter backers will be able to tell if you've done your research or not into Kickstarter. They'll know you haven't, and they'll close your page before even reading a fourth of your campaign.
I wish you luck, I really do. But I don't appreciate trying to help you and you just throwing spite back.