Had this film been named The Mummy and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull I would have been much more forgiving. The Mummy was obviously an attempt to update Indiana Jones for the new "dumbed down" generation. While the original Indy trilogy isn't without faults there was a line it didn't cross, that of stupid gags. The prairie dogs, the refrigerator, Tarzan and the chase sequence where Mutt gets hit in the crotch half a dozen times are just a few examples where Indy 4 went wrong.
When I was younger, I would've thought all of this was funny as hell. And I'll bet those in the age range for which these gags were targeted thought they were, too.
I still believe
Temple of Doom is the worst in the franchise. And Indy 4 could've been much better, on that we can certainly agree. But, it is what it is, and it's going to make a hell of a lot of money between box office and merchandising. That's what Lucas does best.
I picked a book off my shelf the other day that I bought back in 1997 and started reading it again for the first time in 10 years. It's called "Writing Great Characters" by Michael Halperin. This is on the heels of reading "Save the Cat!" by Blake Snyder. The first author clearly had influence on the second. Anyway, some of the basic fundamentals talked about in both of these books are sadly missing from the big summer blockbusters of late.
Raiders had many of these elements because Lawrence Kasdan has a solid understanding of good storytelling and multidimensional characters. And this holds up with
Empire Strikes Back because it is still my favorite among that franchise for the depth of the characters and how they became vulnerable and, thus, more human. Halperin frequently references
Grand Canyon in his book, also written by Kasdan. This "vulnerability" was missing from Indy 4 and Koepp practically elevated him to Superhero, IMO. Look how popular Superhero movies are, and look at Koepp's history with writing them. (I do wish he would take back
Zathura). Is it any wonder Indy 4 is what it is?
I see Kasdan's doing a remake of
Clash of the Titans. That could be interesting.