archived-videos Official: Constant Time

This is the thread to my entry of an entry that was going to be the making of an entry but ended up being the entry that it is.

It is the near future. We are preparing for the launch of the Icarus, the first manned mission to Mars. The journey will take approx 18 months to arrive. On the loading dock, there is a problem. Something is wrong. There are two crates that need to be loaded but there's only room for one. I crucial decision is made.

The wrong decision....very wrong!

At least that's what it was supposed to be about, until I received this email two days before the shoot:


Right now it is looking dicey. I don't know if my brother will be
available. I will know more about my mom on Friday. I still haven't
gotten my internet to work. give me a call in the morning around
0800. Hopefully everything will be ok with my family--which will free
up Saturday. I am working on a "dock" by me. I hope everything comes
together and that we can get this project done! "In the can" as they


After the call, the project was canceled.
The actor, brother of the Director/Writer, could not show.
The Writer/Director could not show.

Me, left with cam in hand, no script, no ideas, no nothing.

"Constant Time" is what I made after the final email, the day of the shoot and confirmed the cancelation. You will see me come up with an idea, LIVE, and execute it.

Time is constant, if you don't measure it in a linear timeline.

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I liked it...until the "through the wall" part...pretty lame. If it was like an amazing effect, and then you acted like it was normal...that would be cool, but I just thought that you faded because you needed to cut down the movie time. I didn't even know it was supposed to be an effect until you acted like it was.

Otherwise, I like how you decided to just do it the way you did. While everyone else is working their asses off to make a masterpiece, you just tape yourself...pretty funny, smart, and different. Good story too (the one you spoke of in the short).

It would have been cool if you were attacked by an alien or something as you were talking...although I was anticipating that, so maybe it wouldn't be THAT surprising...good work, though.
Nothing stops the CootDog!

I had to watch it a few times to "get it". I was a bit confused at first.

Great recovery from a sudden cancellation. I'm glad you revealed the gag that was supposed to have been the punchline in the original idea. You should definitely smack your pals about and do that too, btw. Too funny to pass up doing that.

How did you do all that steady moving around? The opening shot with you walking around is steady as can be, and it's a long way to travel while keeping a camera level.

For some reason it reminds me of the curious asides that Ferris Bueller did, in his flick. Trying to sound serious, but coming off with a weird humourous vibe.
CootDog Style

Thanks ya'll...

The "effect" didn't turn out the way I wanted. I just didn't have time to spruce it up. Like, make a glow or a rip through the wall or something. I wanted it to be like it was continous and tried to do it with NO cuts but I babbled for about 10 minutes so I had to cut it to 5. There were only 4 or 5 cuts in the whole thing.

Yes, I was using the tri-pod. I've been doing that for years. It makes for a pretty steady ride. You saw that I went up 2 flights of stairs right? I just open the tripod a little bit and have all the legs collapsed. Then I hold the bar in the middle and whammo! A glidecam CootDog Style! :lol:
Coot, :clap: congrats on getting it done.
It was funny but strange at the same time. The music made it have that strange part to it. ;) Very nice work I enjoyed it.
ahahahaha, i disagree with logan....the part where you're all "oh...did you see that? see me go THROUGH the wall?" i cracked up...ahahah
Funny short. Very creative, and I liked the cosmological undertones.

The funny thing about time is that it is always changing. Speaking philosophically, The past and the future are relatively vague, but the present is always clearly defined... as in now... and now... and now... and now... and NOW.
sourmonkey said:
Funny short. Very creative, and I liked the cosmological undertones.

The funny thing about time is that it is always changing. Speaking philosophically, The past and the future are relatively vague, but the present is always clearly defined... as in now... and now... and now... and now... and NOW.

Actually Time is clearly defined for you, because you see it as a single point in time on a linear time scale. You "measure" time with a line. What happened yesterday, today, tomorrow are represented on a timeline. If you remove the timeline, then everything is happening all of the time... You just move from one space in time to the next.

How fast is the speed of sound?

How fast is the speed of light?

How fast is the speed of time?

Time has no speed.... It's always constant. It's always "Constant Time"
CootDog said:
Actually Time is clearly defined for you, because you see it as a single point in time on a linear time scale. You "measure" time with a line. What happened yesterday, today, tomorrow are represented on a timeline. If you remove the timeline, then everything is happening all of the time... You just move from one space in time to the next.

I agree.

We're moving through cosmological "frames" which we have no "real" functional definition for (yet?). The value for anything is relative. Observation initiates quantitative measurement. Sometimes we confuse the "pieces" for the whole. Our perceptions of the universe are subjective, and often, paradoxes arise, like "what time is it?"

Remove the observer and the paradox resolves. This is true for all paradoxes.

Just some fun verbal banter.

Anyway, I like your thinking, and I hope to see another of your flicks sometime soon!
Many percieve time as a circle. A constant cycle of repeated paterns. I feel that time is a line that is infinite. The same point in time can never happen twice although it can be asserted that certain points in time are similar (relatively), hence creating a cycle or cycle-like effect. As we are all going to live a short life, no one can ever truly know what time is and how it works. Does it matter? Yes and no. If we ever find absolute truth, we will perhaps be unable to manipulate it. This could mean that absolute truth is irrelevant, OR it could mean that knowing it is the key to whatever the truth is; which would make it the most important thing. Maybe discovering the truth about time or anything is to realize something you already know, instinctively (this theory is similar to buddhism and hinduism beliefs). I believe that once one discovers the truth it is near impossible to explain that truth with language, as I'm proving with these confusing sentances. Finding truth about time, space, and existance may be a journey that can only be taken but not taught. Or maybe not.

My point? Go Boston!
THe model was done in MAX. The flame at the end was done in Combustion, although it didn't work the way I wanted it to, it was still pretty cool how it affected the rest of the ship when it started to glow brighter, then dimmer.

In fact, I'm writing an epic feature right now. I know someone that has built over 300 ships, plus mechs, transformer type vehicles, and mechanised infantry... It will be a glorius battle. RUBICON MUST BURN!!

OK now!

Well now, the most acurate time telling schema was developed by a race, long ago..Long, long ago for that matter. The end of their calendar is in December 2012.
Many people thin that will be the end of time.
I Somewhat agree, I think it will be the end of time as we know it. I believe that timetravel will be discovered and the world will never be the same.
They can already do time travel and phase shifting on a molecular level. perhaps there will be a breakthrough in 2012 that will cause the end of the timeline. Who knows :huh: