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Obtaining an outdoor look as good as this.

This site's videos blow me away. I would like to obtain the same look in my outdoor/fishing videos. I've noticed they use quick shots, and a lot of movement, but the look is very good. Obviously they're shooting in HD, but are any filters or effects used that anyone can notice? To obtain a look like that what would you guess the shutter/aperture/etc. settings would be?
Nice DOF , too.

They use that "flashy" transition a lot. There's a simple video tutorial over at CreativeCow.net for that. Once you've done it a few times it's extremely simple and effective.

Looks like they have a good colourist, I 'spose. Everything matches pretty well.

Aside from that... dunno. :)

edit: On some of the fancier cameras, you can create your own colour curves & other crazy settings. I don't know much about that at all, but maybe they are using in-camera custom presets? I'll try to dig up some info on that - I read something a few years ago about it. Cameras ain't my thing.
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Very nice DOF. I guess that comes with practice?? I'm sure they are using at least one custom preset... What do you think about filters? Any use of filters? They must be editing the color in post. Looks so good...
It looks like a pretty std DV kit from their still-frame intro, so they're probably using a Letus or other 35mm-lens adapter.

Maybe a 5D if there's a lot of low-light shooting.

I doubt it's added in post. Too much work.
The EX1 has a 2/3" chip (~16mm) - correct me if I'm wrong folks - which would account for the shallower DoF. Also, bringing along ND filters to be able to open your iris farther and decrease your DoF on your camera too.
Very nice DOF. I guess that comes with practice?? I'm sure they are using at least one custom preset... What do you think about filters? Any use of filters? They must be editing the color in post. Looks so good...

having a Shallow DOF doesn't come with practice ;)

I'm sure they are using a polarizer, or something of that nature.

And the camera is just the Sony EX1 body in that frame, but Im not sure they can get that DoF with just the body. Maybe it's just their B-cam.

They over use their focus, gets irratating.
And the camera is just the Sony EX1 body in that frame, but Im not sure they can get that DoF with just the body. Maybe it's just their B-cam.

I have shot several times with the EX3 and indeed you can get a nice shallow DoF with it because of the 1.9 zoom lens. But I remember one shot in a car in that video with very small DoF, so probably they have a second EX1 with a 35mm adapter.
Yes they look to be using a 35mm adapter, because of all focus searching is being used. I woulded be suprised they just used the EX1 or maybe a Canon XHA1 with a 50mm manual lens with a brevis35 adapter because of it's light weight and excellent low light adaptability. A lot of hand held shots so a tripod or shoulder mount will be cumbersume in that type of filming. Perhaps whyt there is so many cuts to cover the buzz shots. It looks like they did some color enhancement using magic bullet or something similar in post and output as 720p instead of 1080i to give it a more cinematic feel.
They use the 30 shutter a lot. I shoot with the same in day light. They also use alot of sapphire glows, as do I. They are also using a filmlook plugin in post. Looks nice.
I've shot and edited alot of outdoors shows from Ted Nugent to Bill Dance. This has great production value.