Not the typical newbie

For the past 5 years i've been working in journalism/graphic design/layout. I've dabbled in some screen writing using final draft a couple years ago. I feel i have a knack for coming up with great ideas, which would best be expressed in a film medium. (so i'm told)

throughout the years i've collected gear. 2 5D Mark II's, a Mark III a couple flashes, tripods, etc... and several lenses, but i dont know where to start. My wife has a bachelor's degree in Mass Communication, and I enjoyed working with her on her final project. It was a blast.

I have no formal training although i know how to use Final Cut Pro X and understand aperture, shutter speed etc... , and i'm looking to begin college soon... (i'm 24) .... to study either film, engineering or medicine. i have a good job so i feel like now is the best time to experiment and see if i really like it like i think i do.

Where do y'all suggest i start? how do you find talent for your films? i dont know shot techniques or anything. i understand framing from photography, but dont know how to transition from scenes and how to intertwine a great idea with a great plot.. guess i havent really submerged myself in it because of insecurities. (i'm from a rough area in Chicago, played football, was a "cool" guy etc... so i was always afraid of doing the "uncool" things like film, dance, band etc... im waaaaaay past that stuff now tho)

Help would be greatly appreciated.
I would read up on the subject, the Internet is the cheapest way. Then go film something that's what I did. I'm on a scriptwriting course so I am new to making films, I made loads of mistakes but I learnt a lot from these mistakes. This forum is great, very helpful. If you check my profile my first short is in the narrative section of screenings, the comments are really helpful but you need a thick skin. I'm a screenwriter so my skin can stop bullets :) basically, film something, stick it on here and learn from the comments.
Hello new dude :cool:

For beginning?

Write a short script, get some friends/family together, and shoot something. Then post it here, and we'll give you feedback.

Check out these channels: <----- Lots of FCPX stuff here.

Shot techniques?


Local drama and theatre groups.
Friends and family for starters.