>> (Not So) Quick, But Definitely Dirty. Or...

Anyone have a preference for what I should investigate first?

  • Investigate & Analyze Top YouTube Content Providers

    Upvotes: 10 50.0%
  • Investigate & Analyze Major N.Am Film Festivals w/ Shorts

    Upvotes: 10 50.0%

  • Total voters
I voted YouTube. I'm pretty over the festival thing for time being. It seems way more feasible to market your film/media in newer media outlets. Festivals were created when the only way to get a film sen was a really expensive film print and sending it to whatever screening opportunities were available. Now, you can essentially offer a viewing to the entire planet online for free. Add in advertising, and hopefully you get meat and potatoes revenue.

I enjoy Ray's research. Thanks, and keep it up man! You need to write a book about this stuff.
Bird -

I'm game. :yes:

Gimme what you can scrounge up, go ahead and make it public here so that maybe others here might remember something also relevant and add to the heap-O-info.
The larger data pool I can begin with the better the resulting product will be, especially for queries where publicly available data is pretty sparse. :)

I'll save it, we all kick around what we stumble upon, and I'll apply some hard attention to it when these next two are wrapped up.

Awesome! Thanks Ray!
Here's a link for a pdf with a list of just the film/video fiscal sponsors.

I will compile other arts organizations which include film/video works in their catalog and post another file for that.
How long are we going to keep the poll open?
Ehh... maybe through the weekend.

I'm surprised at how consistent the ratio between these two have been.

Thank you, Paul!
The book of filmmaking odds and ends!

Bird -
Look forward to it!
More fun fun fun!
Youtube pulls ahead.

Alright, gonna wrap up this mule race tomorrow.


Investigate current top Youtube content providers 10 to 9 over recent film festival acceptances, going once...