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Noob Work Flow Sugestions

Hi all,
Im looking for work flow suggestions. I have Adobe CS3 AE and Premiere to work with.
My camera is MiniDV w\Firewire (Sony DCR-TRV27)

What is a good work flow?

Here is my plan, please correct \ fill in the blanks as needed!

In premiere capture via fire wire, capture format will be ______________
Create VFX in AE, render to format ____________ keeping original captured interlaced.

Import VFX clips into Premiere
EDIT time line
Add music
Tweak sound
Color correct clips in Premiere
Render final movie h.264 AAC De interlaced
Capture as DV-AVI, render VFX-Footage as TIFF-Sequence (deinterlaced). Import back to Premiere, do the rest. However, I'd do Color Correction in AE as well. It's just more powerful for that kind of stuff.
1) Review shot-list to see what needs to be imported

2) Batch capture that footage, as DV-AVI

3) Do a rough edit, including SFX & music

4) Tighten up areas that are headed to AEFX

5) Shoot clips from Premiere to AEFX, and back, via bridge

6) Get annoyed at how those clips now have yellow tint for some reason.
6a) Deposit $3.25 (in nickels) into the swear-box, and vow to never make a film again

7) Pay someone to colour-correct my disasterpiece.
7a) Deposit $2.75 (in nickels) into the swear-box, trying to find colourist on a PC

8) Pay someone to fix my god-awful aound. (It never gets better through practise)
8a) Remind self that next film will definitely be a silent film. Chaplin-tribute?

9) Render (and deinterlace) final movie to various formats, depending on destination.

10) Collect $6 (in nickels) from swear-box and buy a beer with it. :cool:

Probably missed a step or two, but that's pretty much it. :blush:


I'm on a windows box, what DV-AVI settings is best for capture in premiere? (dumb question, sorry, I believe DV AVI is the setting)

Also in regards to "VFX-Footage as TIFF-Sequence (deinterlaced)" I read that keeping everything as close to the original footage before the final render is a good idea. Will it cause problems to have some clips interlaced and others not?
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