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Nobody Wants Your Film

I just finished a independent film called NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM about the struggle to make and then get the work to an audience.

I've set up a website for the film to try and link up to an audience through the web so I can eventually convince a distributor to finance a theatrical release of the film.

On the site you can see quite a lot of scenes from the movie. The film and website have many well known independent film actors on/in it like Steve Buscemi, Sam Rockwell, Peter Dinklage, David Proval, Peter Stormare, Daryl Mitchell, Karyn Parsons, and Pruitt Taylor Vince.



ps: if you like what you see bring your friends to the site as well.
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Looks like an interesting project, but I'll offer this piece of advice to you, you'd likely get more people on the site if they aren't required to give you their email address.. A lot of people don't like tossing that around too much, as it has a tendency to increase SPAM in the inbox. ;)
Will Vincent said:

Looks like an interesting project, but I'll offer this piece of advice to you, you'd likely get more people on the site if they aren't required to give you their email address.. A lot of people don't like tossing that around too much, as it has a tendency to increase SPAM in the inbox. ;)

yeah i realise that but as the pages on the site explain this is the only way i can prove to a distributor that there is an audience out there for this thing...

i don't spam people on the list and i won't give the info to anyone else...

in the end if a distributor won't jump on board then i'll sell dvd's directly to the people on the list...

another reason why it really is necessary...

as you know... the whole thing is completely free and there are lots of clips on the site... in fact there are 20 bonus scenes not included in the film hidden on the site...
Hey, I suggest that you just let people type in the city that they live in because mine isn't on the list. It would be way easier for you to, if you use CGI. just a suggestion.

Lefteye said:
Hey, I suggest that you just let people type in the city that they live in because mine isn't on the list. It would be way easier for you to, if you use CGI. just a suggestion.

thanks for the info...

though at the bottom of the list of cities there is a choice for "other" where a window pops up and you can type in the info...

what's CGI?
Oh, didn't know. that's good, I guess. CGI is common gateway interface. It's the code used to make a lot of interactive websites and it's the format that is used to send you emails that you get when someone fills out a form. Maybe you used a template.

Anyways, I watched your little movies on your site and really enjoyed watching them. Good job. Can't wait to see it in a theater, hopefully soon...

this was originallly posted in 11/05 but now i've added some updates...

I just finished an independent film called NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM about the struggle to make and then get the work to an audience.

I've set up a website for the film to try and link up to an audience through the web so I can eventually convince a distributor to finance a theatrical release of the film.

On the site you can see quite a lot of scenes from the movie. The film and website have many well known independent film actors on/in it like Steve Buscemi, Sam Rockwell, Peter Dinklage, David Proval, Peter Stormare, Daryl Mitchell, Karyn Parsons, and Pruitt Taylor Vince.



ps: if you like what you see bring your friends to the site as well.

UPDATE #2 from 3/18/05:

Because of everyone’s support things have finally fallen into place.

We've nailed down a Los Angeles theatre:

Laemmle Sunset 5 starting on Friday, May 6th.

If you all show up and show your support during that first week of the run (really during that first weekend), then the run will be extended.

If this thing works in LA then other theatres in other cities will be willing to show the film as well.

Thanks again for your help and support.


ps: we have set up an update page on the site so you can all keep up with the progress of the film’s distribution if you want.

ps2: again if you liked the site and haven't done so already... try to get friends to register as well.

UPDATE #1 from 2/26/05:

TV ads will be running on Bravo in NYC & LA during the Independent Spirit Awards (tonight 2/26 at 10pm) and on Project Greenlight (starting Tuesdays 3/15 at 9pm).

As well some of you may have noticed our ads running during the slideshows before the trailers at the Angelika Film Center in NYC & Dallas and at the Laemmle Sunset-5, Fairfax, Royal, and Music Box in LA.

Looks like we may have an LA theatre in May to show the film and are working on a NYC theatre as well.

Thanks and stay tuned for further updates.

Hey man i signed up on the list a fair while ago. I've seen your adverts all over the place. Congrads for finally getting a showing. Good luck with the tough task ahead of you. Will spread the word here in Australia!
Just saw your commercial during Project Greenlight. ;)
theres a lot of great little theatres in sydney willing to play practically any arthouse or indie films that are on offer. we've got a wonderful little community out here, i'm sure your film will get seen.
slacker said:
theres a lot of great little theatres in sydney willing to play practically any arthouse or indie films that are on offer. we've got a wonderful little community out here, i'm sure your film will get seen.

find me one to show the film....

please please....

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hey you could try The Dendy www.dendy.com.au they're a real quality cinema who show heaps of art house films. it would be a really great if your film showed their. and it would also be great if it showed in Brisbane as well as in Sydney. Good Luck
UPDATE: LA tickets online:

UPDATE: LA tickets online:

Things are steadily moving ahead. We are running ads in the LA Weekly, trailers are playing at the Sunset 5, posters are in all ten Laemmle theatres, and the TV ads continue to run Thursdays at 10pm-11pm during Project Greenlight in NYC and LA.

Tickets to the Los Angeles run of NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM starting on Friday, May 6th at Laemmle Sunset 5 (8000 Sunset Blvd. - 323-848-3500) are now available online thru the NWYF website at:


I suppose this goes without saying but I'm going to say it anyway...

I'm a nervous f-ing wreck as this long experiment comes to an end! I hope all of you in the LA area will find that hour and a half out of your schedules to support this effort. There are sceptics who still need to be shown that this idea can work and that all of you that have shown your support in cyberspace will appear in real space and buy a ticket to this film.

But regardless, DVDs of NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM will be available sometime in the mid to late summer through the NWYF website.

Thanks again for your continued support and remember there's an update page on the site so you can keep up with the film's distribution.


ps: I hope that most of you will buy your tickets in advance to ease my hysterical neurosis but of course you can purchase your tickets at the box office when you show up to the theatre as well.

ps2: If any of you have any ideas of theatres in your area that may want to show the film (wherever that may be) please, if you can, get those theatres to visit the NWYF site. As well, email me the info about the theatre you have in mind.