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No Place - The Movie - website

Hi Guys

A year and a half after we completed No Place my ex-business partner has finally pulled together a website for the film ... a site which includes a trailer

This is the url


I'm not sure what to make of either the site or the trailer ...

I'd be interested in people's feedback, especially about the trailer... I can't form objective opinions about any of it.
The website and trailer appeared fine to me, even though I don't quite understand what it's purpose is all about. Is the film screening somewhere? Is he trying to flog it? What if I wanted to see the entire film?

Must say, the lead actor is very easy on the eye:).
Here are my questions: What is the relationship between the girl and the gangster (at least that is what I think he is)? Is she his daughter? Girlfriend? Sister? Why does he care that she talks to the photographer? What did he catch on film that the gangster's so angry about? Or is he angry about something else entirely? Did you cut the trailer or did your partner?

I only watched it once to give an honest first impression, although I think I've seen a snippet of it before, but I came away confused. Could be my state of mind though. :)

Here's hoping the site gets you some attention.
my eight or nine cents:

If this is to get the film picked up for distribution, that needs to be way more obvious. I had to click on "The Movie", and then click on "Movie Facts", before getting to the nitty gritty. Generally there are an assortment of oddities regarding the site presentation, although the overall design is quite good (uncluttered, functional, attractive).

The movie trailer seems to encapsulate the film properly, although I had to read the synopsis in order to get the actual story, especially the parts about the girl- that the bad guy was her dad, and that the photographer ends up being "hunted". Maybe a re-cut to either emphasize the theme or to elucidate the plot would be good (I don't think you can do both in one trailer). The music ended up being a distraction, sort of "pushing" me through the trailer, rather than complimenting the content. I think I understand it was intended to provide a certain atmosphere, but it muffles the dramatic content, which is not always broadly stated. On reflection, it seems the kind of music where the visual cuts need to come at specific musical points, which would integrate the two more properly.

The "suprise" clip after the closing logo seems like a cheap shot, coincident with the fact that it shows literally, a cheap shot. Effective maybe- completely out of context, definitely. If this were a pure action flick, I'd go for it, but that's hardly the feel of the piece. End with some dignity. Maybe make it the last clip, before BLACK OUT.

Looks good for distribution, though 80 minutes is a little slim. The performances are good, although the bad guy dad seems a little young, hence the confusion regarding whether he's the dad, brother, cousin...
Odd that credits area of the website is called "Behind the scenes", and that the first page gives us the armourer, composer, and photograper, with the full crew another click away. Definitely an oddly organized website that looks great.

Unclear as to what your connection to this property is at this time. Sorry that it sounds like you've got an orphan out there. Definitely something that could be distributed through several different channels (tv, internet, DVD, cable). The poster needs faces on it. People need to see FACES! It's our nature.

Sorry, but "A European style drama with war aspects." sucks. Don't know what the convention is for Fishing for Distribution loglines, but any sentence that ends with "aspects" puts me off the hook, bigtime. Of course I just ended a sentence with "bigtime", but that's my style choice and I'm standing behind it. Maybe "DRAMA: A traumatised war photographer clashes with a smalltown hood, whose daughter yearns for a better life." - perhaps too much of a synopsis, but it does end with a noun.
davidchecker nailed it pretty good there. My biggest quaff was that the synopsis made me more interested in seeing the film than the trailer did. Though the trailer is alright, there are a lot of moments it looses it's flow, and that last shot is rather distracting.

The site looks good- try clicking the XHTML validator, and it's not really valid, which is kind of funny, but whatever. Good site, decent trailer- but both the website and trailer did not get me interested in the film until I read the synopsis.
The acting has conviction and the photography has good viewpoints. However i was told by Screen Yorkshire that a film poster with a white background would suggest a comedy genre?

Anyway i was very impressed with all the gun shots and was hoping i could identify more of the storyline as i was not aware what all the violence was about, but no doubt shall find out if i get the opportunity to see the full version.
thanks guys ...

Just to clarify ... I didn't design the site or cut the trailer ... and don't get me started on "European drama with War Aspects."

You've really helped though ... because I thought it was just sour grapes that was warping my perceptions.

I think the trailer is confusing ... and needs a VO to take lead the audience through the plot. But not my call.

Knightly's right though ... I've beaten my breasts about this long enough.

Thanks for attending the wake ... I'm ready to move on now.