No more youtube revenue for us

Feb 20 marks the date of "no more revenue" for those of us who earn money on youtube. They have officially announced that as of Feb 20 2018 in order for you to earn money on you tube, you MUST have 1000 subscribers and 4000 views per year. If you do not have that, your videos will no longer be monitized. Do the math. Your video will need to get 11 hours of views per day to reach 4000 hours. And lets not even talk about having 1000 subscribers. And they continue: Once you reach 1000 subscribers, you must maintain that for one year, and THEN you can apply for "revenue partner" status. What a joy. First Amazon Prime lowers it's royalty by over half, and then youtube cuts it out altogether. Where can we make a buck...
A sad pattern.
As far as I can find info on it there has been 1 mass shooting in The Netherlands since 1977.
(Probably even further back, since I picked 1977 because that year there was a hostage situation in a train, where 2 hostages were killed by terrorists and 6 terrorists died when the train was attacked by special forces. But 2 victims isn't officially a mass shooting.)

I can not grasp it: YouTube changed the rules, something at home make you snap and then you travel all the way to YouTube to actually end your life. There is nothing to gain here. The shooter loses, the victims lose, the family loses, YouTube policy doesn't change.
So, no, I didn't expect it.
But I don't live there, so I'm not 'in the middle' of it.
A sad pattern.
As far as I can find info on it there has been 1 mass shooting in The Netherlands since 1977.
(Probably even further back, since I picked 1977 because that year there was a hostage situation in a train, where 2 hostages were killed by terrorists and 6 terrorists died when the train was attacked by special forces. But 2 victims isn't officially a mass shooting.)

I can not grasp it: YouTube changed the rules, something at home make you snap and then you travel all the way to YouTube to actually end your life. There is nothing to gain here. The shooter loses, the victims lose, the family loses, YouTube policy doesn't change.
So, no, I didn't expect it.
But I don't live there, so I'm not 'in the middle' of it.

Maybe youll get a Netflix tv show about your life.
I just finished an 8 hour show about the unabomber starring sam Worthington
I can't find any mention of what YouTube could've found offensive with her
videos about veganism, fitness, animal rights, & Persian culture. It's tough
to know if she really was being censored. I wonder if YouTube will issue
a statement.
Controversial keywords like "rights" or "censorship" or anything related to anything vaguely middle-eastern were being automatically demonetized. This happened before the revenue policy change, and I think she was upset at THAT. She certainly seemed to have enough subscribers to meet the revenue criteria.

Plenty of channels were being affected for no reason, because youtube used only algorithms and bots to determine what should be demonetized. I completely expected literal violence against them, and I doubt this will be the last time
You have a point there Buscando.
As creator you could check the kind of ads you would accept in a list.
As advertiser it should be possible to select the kind of content where you want your ads to appear.

Btw, officially they can say it isn't censoring.
Don't forget that social media have been under fire in the last few years for making clickbaity fake news profitable. Aside of all the politics there have been 'entrepeneurs' making a lot of money by injecting poison in the 'news cycle' or by preying on tragedy. (Anger and outrage are triggers to share a video, just like humor and cuteness.)
Whether YouTube and other social media do nothing or do filter they will get blamed for doing so.
At least YouTube does not really ban content that is not advertising friendly. That would be worse.

(How animal rights fit in the ban-list, I don't know, unless she used graphic images of animal abuse.)