archived-videos NIGHTMARE - my indie thriller

Hey indie film fans, my name is Dylan Bank. I'm 26 and living in Brooklyn, and I finally finished my first film, a psychosexual thiller called NIGHTMARE. I raised the money on my own and shot it in HD, and we just posted the trailer at our website, and I invite all of you to check it out -

I'd love to get imput from movie fans who want something not processed by committee thinking, so please tell me what you think of the trailer and the website. Thanks, and I hope you give a moment to see what I can do-
Dylan Bank
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umm so you made a TROJAN using flash. Nice. To bad my backserver caught it in time. So is now the time your iP Addy is banned for life?

Fucking People with to much time.
I have no idea what you're even talking about. Are you responding to a different post?

Anyone take a look at the trailer? Let me know what you think.
- Dylan Bank
I think he's talking about the Flash messages that ask for access to the user's computer. Pictured here. Depending on browser settings one may or may not see it, and some security setups will think armegeddon just started. :lol:

Anyways... about the trailer...

Too much "clever" flash-stuff in the way 'til it starts. It's done very well, mind you... there just aren't that many people with the patience to find the right things to click on, or wait for the prompts to continue, or toy around with the procedure to advance the flash-animation. It's a lot of work involved to get to the actual trailer itself.

I found this link much more useful:

Great-looking story, btw. :cool:
Dylan Bank said:
I have no idea what you're even talking about. Are you responding to a different post?

Anyone take a look at the trailer? Let me know what you think.
- Dylan Bank

Dylan, Im sorry. I had 2 people pull this trick where flash loads a trojan into their computer. Seems to be the new way to fool people. All The flash did was rotate and follow my mouse cursor around. Nothing loaded.

It could be because Im using firefox (Not any better then IE) and I may not have all the plugins installed.

But yeah, that popup of allowing you to view my camera and listen into my mic was disturbing. Forgot to mention that.
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I see the problem. If you have a webcam, our website asks if it can access it - your image is a part of our site. Don't be afraid, it's all a part of our film. As for the eyes following the mouse, I'm afraid you have to admit your guilt to enter Give it a try again, it's an interactive experience and has the trailer for our film there too. Thanks - Dylan
I saw it after I posted it. I forgot to followup. The lady is cute.

At first, I thought he was gonna bust out in a song, like the film "Hair".

Then it had a little bit of a 1969 "Beyond the valley of the dolls" feel to it.

good trailer.

Is that sugar glass the actors head broke (The mirror in the bathroom)? Where do you buy that stuff? Do you make it and add mirror film? How do you get it to break without slicing your head open?
Moved to Screening Room.

Slick trailer. I like the premise and the acting is good for the most part. I agree with Zen that the flash stuff was a bot overdone, and some might want it shortened...but then there are some that love the excessive flash stuff.

I would love to hear more about the process of getting this film made.

...I think there are a lot of cool things on this site, but after a while, I began think, "can I just see the trailer please" maybe you could shorten up the cool stuff? But then alot of people like this stuff. I do too, if it doesn't take too long... still waiting for it to load, will give opinion once I see the trailer

--spinner :cool:
good stuff. i've seen a few interactive horror flash videos on the Net. yours is one of the better ones. good creativity, good movement. i would mix up the music a bit more -- not so much *tense* violin.
Wow- really good. Liked the last shot on the mirror.
Looks really good. What are your plans? Festivals?
I too would like to know a little more about the making of. What kind of budget?
Ditto the flash stuff.

I seem to say this about every trailer, but I think it was too long. I like the premise, some of the shots were great, the nightime-orange sky shot is very cinematic. The quality of the production looks very good.
Very nice, love the premis of this film. Can hardly wait to see this one. I thought the trailer did exactly what it was supposed to. ;) Nice job!
...I thought the trailer was pretty good! Kinda made the hairs stand up alittle. Hope the film gets some attention, it looks good...

--spinner :cool:
Thanks Spinner. We're going to be showing some extended clips at Monster Mania in New Jersey this weekend (Aug 26-28th). Anyone out there in New Jersey? -Dylan Bank
Hey guys, we were just nominated for "Best Picture", "Best Actress", "Best Actor" and "Best Score" for the upcoming ShockerFest in Modesto California. We're the most nominated movie there, and that's where we're having our world premiere on Sept 24th.

Anyone else see the trailer? Let me know what you think.
-Dylan Bank