Nice Marketing Idea

About as good as Best Buy's return policy before they got wise to the fact too many people would charge their credit cards for a big screen TV set the weekend of the Super Bowl and return ther TVs the Monday after for a full refund, which led to their current restocking fee.
But, how many people will actually shell out the $21 ($3 s/h) and then return the flick? They'd still pay $3. But, if you notice the link I put, it has 219 news links that carried the story. I bet he makes a pretty penny.
Real clever approach and great press. Sure torrents hurt movies and music but I have to imagine people who download torrents regularly are the least likely to buy anyway. If they only want something if it's free he wouldn't have gotten their business anyways. There is a ton of people out there who don't think torrent the moment they hear of a movie they want to see. Also requesting a refund is a pain in the ass. Even if it's just an email, it's coming from someone who likely planned on asking for one before they ordered the movie. You can group them with the torrent watchers. Wouldn't have gotten their business anyways.

What this has gotten him is a great deal of press and awareness to people who wouldn't take either of the free routes and are now intrigued enough to give his movie a shot. I think it's brilliant.
Real clever approach and great press. Sure torrents hurt movies and music but I have to imagine people who download torrents regularly are the least likely to buy anyway.

They've actually done studies that show that people who pirate music and movies are also the biggest legal consumers of music and movies. In other words, they're the ones who are also buying the most. A lot of them see it as a try-before-you-buy kind of deal. If they download it and like it, then they'll buy it (or they'll buy other things from the same creators).

I think the refund thing is a brilliant idea. Most people will never bother with a refund and he's getting a ton of publicity because of it.

An interesting aside: the longer your return period is, the lower your returns are. Mostly because people get lazy, think they have plenty of time to return whatever it is, and then never get around to it. If you set a tight return policy, it puts pressure on them and they actually get it done.
They've actually done studies that show that people who pirate music and movies are also the biggest legal consumers of music and movies.

I've heard that argument. Unfortunately I do not know those people. The people I've known pride themselves on their ability to get ahold of anything. The argument I've heard the most for NOT paying is, "I'll be first in line to buy this software when they fix such and such (while continuing to use it anyways) or in terms of a movie, game or other entertainment they downloaded for free, "I'll start paying when they start making good (movies/games) again.". While of course continuing to watch and play.
Have you checked to see how many torrent prirated copies are out there?

That's killing both music and DVD sales.

I don't quite get your point. There aren't many movies nowadays that you can't get a torrent of. Yeah, it sucks.

But, this no name doctor has made his third movie and I'm guessing 1 and 2 didn't fare that well. So, he hires name actors and creates this marketing plan of "money back guarantee". His press release is on every major news site. That's pretty damn brilliant.

He needs to sell 11000 copies and he makes a profit.

Will he make a profit? I don't know. But, I'd like to have one my press releases picked up by every major site.
I've heard that argument. Unfortunately I do not know those people. The people I've known pride themselves on their ability to get ahold of anything. The argument I've heard the most for NOT paying is, "I'll be first in line to buy this software when they fix such and such (while continuing to use it anyways) or in terms of a movie, game or other entertainment they downloaded for free, "I'll start paying when they start making good (movies/games) again.". While of course continuing to watch and play.

Jou know one now.
Besides of a Artist, I am a Dj. And before I buy a Vinyl record, I listen to the artist mp3 collection. If I find a good Tune, I order it in my record store. Its that simple.