But, how many people will actually shell out the $21 ($3 s/h) and then return the flick? They'd still pay $3. But, if you notice the link I put, it has 219 news links that carried the story. I bet he makes a pretty penny.
Real clever approach and great press. Sure torrents hurt movies and music but I have to imagine people who download torrents regularly are the least likely to buy anyway.
They've actually done studies that show that people who pirate music and movies are also the biggest legal consumers of music and movies.
Have you checked to see how many torrent prirated copies are out there?
That's killing both music and DVD sales.
I've heard that argument. Unfortunately I do not know those people. The people I've known pride themselves on their ability to get ahold of anything. The argument I've heard the most for NOT paying is, "I'll be first in line to buy this software when they fix such and such (while continuing to use it anyways) or in terms of a movie, game or other entertainment they downloaded for free, "I'll start paying when they start making good (movies/games) again.". While of course continuing to watch and play.