Newest Member!

Hello, I just thought I'd drop by and introduce myself to the forums.

I'm an 18 year old media & communication student from Norway (yes, its very cold here). I just recently applied for a few film schools in the UK and I have spent the last year realizing that film is the only job I can ever see myself be happy with.

I actually found this forum today, while I was thinking about how I could be more creative and start writing some scripts. I concluded that talking with like-minded people might make me stop procrastinating and actually do something instead of just playing video games and watching movies :)

I dont have very much to show for, but here are two music videos, and a commercial I've made with friends! (Commercial for a school, which ran on Norwegian cinemas) (Unofficial music video we made for fun - ironically enough I'd be making an official video for them a year later!) (Note: This one I was just a camera operator on)

I havent made my own vimeo/youtube channel yet because I know my channel wouldnt have many views anyways!