Newbie here

Hello everyone! My name's Carolina, and I'm an aspiring filmmaker from Argentina.

I'm currently a freshman at Fundación Universidad del Cine, which I guess is one of the best film universities here in my country. But I've been filming stuff since I was 7 or maybe 8. Like, back then my dad bought a camcorder and I started shooting stuff with my brothers and friends. You know, simple stories with no script, just I'd be like: "Ok, so now you say this and this and do that, and then I cut". Everything was really improvised. I even shoot a couple of stop motion short films lol. And even though now I look at those tapes and laugh out loud at how silly the stories I came up with were, I still think it's awesome I found something I truly love so early in my life.

And well, classes end for me in two days, but it's been a good year I guess. I shot a few things you guys can check out HERE if you're interested. And this summer (it's summer on this side of the world hehe) I'm planning on shooting a short film and a series, so it's going to be fun :)

Well, anyway... Enough about me. Just wanted to introduce myself, so hello :P
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Thanks Dave! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was a stop motion we had to do in class, in less than an hour, so it doesn't really have that much of a story. Just four guys dancing, and a Barbie falling off the roof :weird: hehe. But, yeah, the idea was to make something simple yet funny, so I'm glad you had a laugh :P
SinBotones was pretty brilliant. I love short shorts... I can see the Robot Chicken reference there too..

Jüsèralo was BRILLIANT though...really cool transitions between scenes, awesomely creepy mood, wicked visuals, creative shots and great acting. Loved it.