Hi there, have spent an hour or so tonight browsing these forums and seems to be a wealth of knowledge and helpful filmakers from all walks of life here which is exactly what i need.
I toyed with the idea of getting into the film industry for years now and have always seen writing as the way i'd go about it. I went and got a job with a big cinema chain in the UK and within a year was promoted to management, i got a job there because i really thought being surrounded by film would be just the ticket to keep me on the ball with my own idea's and help keep me focused on writing (Didn't Quentin Tarantino write True Tomance while he worked in a video store?)
4 years on still havn't written anything but recently i got friendly with someone who worked with me for a bit and we started writing together, up to page 34 so far and pleased with what we have. Now another guy has joined our cinema who has done a degree in film already and through our many discussions has really helped me see independant film making as a viable way to break into the industry and see the whole thing as a real possibility for the first time rather than a pipe dream.
So now i have years of idea's swimming around my head and the hardest thing i'm finding is concentrating on one to write down... Do you guys have any advice on this? How to juggle lots of idea's?
So far i'm finding the best way is to kind of have them all going and work on the one i'm feeling most in the mood for. The guy who recently got me thinking about it all seriously does have some small contacts with people who have access to a limited amount of equiptment and we've planned to write a few shorts and film them in our local area, i have an idea i like very much and i'm keen to get going with it. Also after years of dreaming i have some great idea's for big budget stuff, is there much point in writing this sort of stuff at this early stage?
I guess i'm just after some advice from you guys who have, like me, have spent a few years dreaming and are finally making a serious effort to get your idea's down. I'm finding working in the cinema is helping to inspire me now i'm taking it more seriously and i'm considering moving down to one of our cinema's in London from the North West of England where I am now.
Have any of you guys managed to buy a cheap camera and teach yourself the basics, enough to film a smart looking short? I brought a book, Teach yourself film making, which has some nice info for starting out in it and i've really taken to watching dvd's with directors commentary (if i ever make it big i'll be sure to thank Robert Rodriguez for his fantastic commentaries
Also me and the guys i'm doing all this with have decided to come round to my flat every now and then to do some read throughs of the scripts were working on, its all very exciting.
Anyway sorry for the huge introduction, looking forward to having many discussions with the members here and would love to hear your stories of getting your first no budget projects off the ground.
I toyed with the idea of getting into the film industry for years now and have always seen writing as the way i'd go about it. I went and got a job with a big cinema chain in the UK and within a year was promoted to management, i got a job there because i really thought being surrounded by film would be just the ticket to keep me on the ball with my own idea's and help keep me focused on writing (Didn't Quentin Tarantino write True Tomance while he worked in a video store?)
4 years on still havn't written anything but recently i got friendly with someone who worked with me for a bit and we started writing together, up to page 34 so far and pleased with what we have. Now another guy has joined our cinema who has done a degree in film already and through our many discussions has really helped me see independant film making as a viable way to break into the industry and see the whole thing as a real possibility for the first time rather than a pipe dream.
So now i have years of idea's swimming around my head and the hardest thing i'm finding is concentrating on one to write down... Do you guys have any advice on this? How to juggle lots of idea's?
So far i'm finding the best way is to kind of have them all going and work on the one i'm feeling most in the mood for. The guy who recently got me thinking about it all seriously does have some small contacts with people who have access to a limited amount of equiptment and we've planned to write a few shorts and film them in our local area, i have an idea i like very much and i'm keen to get going with it. Also after years of dreaming i have some great idea's for big budget stuff, is there much point in writing this sort of stuff at this early stage?
I guess i'm just after some advice from you guys who have, like me, have spent a few years dreaming and are finally making a serious effort to get your idea's down. I'm finding working in the cinema is helping to inspire me now i'm taking it more seriously and i'm considering moving down to one of our cinema's in London from the North West of England where I am now.
Have any of you guys managed to buy a cheap camera and teach yourself the basics, enough to film a smart looking short? I brought a book, Teach yourself film making, which has some nice info for starting out in it and i've really taken to watching dvd's with directors commentary (if i ever make it big i'll be sure to thank Robert Rodriguez for his fantastic commentaries

Also me and the guys i'm doing all this with have decided to come round to my flat every now and then to do some read throughs of the scripts were working on, its all very exciting.
Anyway sorry for the huge introduction, looking forward to having many discussions with the members here and would love to hear your stories of getting your first no budget projects off the ground.